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Skillport 8 Patch 9 (8.0.3007) October 2013

Books and Videos

  • When a learner attempts to access a book within an assigned Learning Program, and that learner does not have any Books collections assigned to him, the error message that displays is now: Error: You are not entitled to this asset. Please contact your training manager. (CR 147388)


  • Issue with performance of the Visit Community, Community Stream and Community Profile pages in Internet Explorer 8 have been corrected. (CR 149650)


  • In Internet Explorer 8, the incorrect formatting of course series is fixed. (CR 146328)


  • When accessing Skillport Learner using Internet Explorer 9, the Help link opens correctly. (CR 147351)


  • Learners can now search for courses within a customized KnowledgeCenter. (CR 146538)

Learning Plans

  • When clicking Recommend in the Learning Plan for an item which already has been recommended by other members of the Community, an error no longer displays. (CR 147837)
  • When trying to view the Admin Note added to an Assigned Learning item in the Learning Plan, an error message no longer displays. (CR 147850)

Learning Programs

  • Custom courses now display custom logos when viewed within the Learning Program. (CR 147845)

Learner Transcript

  • The View Certificate link now displays in a custom Training Credits learner transcript. (CR 145798)
  • Book Relevant Sections are no longer being tracked separately; they are tracked as part of their parent book. (CR 146867)


  • When running an Asset Activity by Group report, duplicate rows no longer display. (CR 149061)


  • When attempting to save a Job Aid or SkillBrief after launching it, the page no longer displays as grey (inactive). (CR 145873)


  • Custom images for learning items now display as expected on the Series browse page. (CR 146216)
  • When searching for Videos, the additional filters on the Video results page now displays as expected. (CR 146313)
  • Additional search filters now display when the search results contain items that are already in a learner's learning plan. (CR 149919)

Self Registration

  • When self-registering, learners now receive their confirmation emails. (CR 149365)