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Skillport 8 Patch 10 (8.0.3041) October 2013

Books and Videos

  • Books Recorded Session MP3 downloads are now available on the overview page and when navigating to the content through the Library. (CR 145051, 148719)


  • When signing into Skillport with Internet Explorer 8 on a monitor whose size/resolution may not display the entire home page, the home page no longer loads as scrolled partway down the page. (CR 147277)

Learning Programs

  • When accessed through a Learning Program, some item Details pages no longer load as scrolled partway down the page. (CR 149228)
  • When a Learning Program contains only passive (non-completable) items, when a learner enrolls in it, the program is marked as Complete and the folders within the learning program correctly display the Completed icon. (CR 149306)

Learner Transcript

  • Completed ILT courses no longer return blank Date Completed and Evaluation Submission Date columns in the learner transcripts. (CR 139590)
  • Any columns within the learner transcripts that have N/A and '-' as potential values now sort correctly. (CR 147098)


  • When self-publishing courses, each time a new course is published, a new Publisher Custom Content folder is no longer created in the Catalog. (CR 146859)


  • Using the search refinements for video searches now produces expected results. (CR 149185)
  • The Code Listing search filter now works properly. (CR 149435)

Self Registration

  • When self registration has been restricted to a specific list of email domains, learners can no longer register with email addresses outside of the allowed domains. (CR 149370)

Users and Groups

  • When creating an account with the role of Admin and you click Customize, the Content section inow displays correctly. (CR 146725)

Skillport Mobile

  • Entitled Video content is now launches from the Skillport Mobile site via iPhone 4S or iPhone 5. (CR 147414)