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Skillport 8 Patch 11 (8.0.3062) November 2013


  • Suggested content items now display as expected. (CR 131816)
  • When a learning item is featured as a promoted asset on the What's New page, the number of recommendations now displays correctly on the What's New page. (CR 149372)

Learning Plan

  • When there are more than 50 assets added to a Learning Plan, the View More link displays, and when clicked, now displays the rest of the assigned content. (CR 151916)


  • When searching for exact text matches (using quotation marks around a search term or phrase) on the Library page in Skillport Administrator, folder results now return correctly. (CR 148657)

Self Registration

  • When self registration has been restricted to a specific list of email domains, learners are no longer able to register with email addresses outside of the allowed domains. (CR 149370)

Users and Groups

  • When creating an account with the role of Admin and you click Customize, the Content section is now enabled. (CR 146725)
  • Inherited content now displays as assigned to an account when an individual assignment is removed. (CR 149083)