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Skillport 8 Patch 12 (8.0.3079) November 2013


  • If you do not have permissions (entitlement) for a book, its image still displays as expected. (CR 151211)
  • Audio books in Skillport 8 no longer display as undefined under the Speaker Bio section. (CR 151285)


  • When a very specific order of steps is taken after clicking Community in Skillport Learner, and when the final step in that specific order is clicking Edit from the My Profile link at the top of the page, all site links now work properly. (CR 151008).

Instructor-led Training

  • When attempting to enter results for an ILT session, a message displays that the results have saved successfully, and the screen no longer freezes on Loading. (CR 152037)
  • The issue where, when you enrolled in an ILT session and then are taken to the top of the site, has been fixed. (CR 152901)

Learning Plan

  • When attempting to enter a Note during the initial saving of a learning item, the learning item is now saved as expected. (CR 148151)
  • When adding a job aid or Skillbrief to your Learning Plan, an error message no longer displays. (CR 151376)


  • After upgrading to Skillport 7.3, the User My Plan Detailed Report no longer erroneously returns Error Rendering messages. (CR 150195)

Skillport Administrator

  • Now, all active certification courses display in the Catalog. (CR 150151)
  • The Powered By logo on/off check box now displays on the Display > Web Site Settings page as expected. (CR 150967)
  • When a browse view heading title is set to exactly 22 characters (with or without spaces), it no longer runs into the next browse view heading in the Browse the Library link in Skillport Learner. (CR 151318)
  • When trying to remove a course that's been copied into a folder in the Catalog, even after saving changes, the course does not delete. (CR 151373)
  • When setting up a Community for an advanced group, the system now allows it and the Invalid community reference error message no longer displays. (CR 151378, 153070)
  • When attempting to configure a Learning Program for an assignment group, and the Learning Program has both a reminder and due date, the information now saves as expected. (CR 151427)

Users and Groups

  • Some advanced group customizations now display as expected to the users within that advanced group. (CR 149757)
  • The User Management window can now be resized to the left when using Internet Explorer. (CR 150611)