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Skillport 8 Patch 13 (8.0.3109) December 2013


  • Books now display consistently in the Featured Assets carousel and within sections in Browse the Library. (CR 150820)
  • When trying to launch some video content that is entitled to them, learners no longer receive an error. (CR 152487)
  • When you launch a video, it gives you the option to add one or more Notes. When you add a note and close it out, the note no longer disappears. (CR 153157)


  • When attempting to update a custom icon for content, the Edit Asset link now displays as expected. (CR 152775)


  • The About Me and Education and Certification field sizes when in Edit mode have been enlarged. (CR 151602)
  • Learners can now upload a picture to My Profile. (CR 152774)

Instructor-led Training

  • If a learner has already completed a session of an ILT course and attempts to add another, upcoming, already-full session to his Waitlist, the Add to Waitlist link displays correctly for him. (CR 151301)
  • When clicking the ILT course ID in a newly-created ILT course, the application no longer gives an error. (CR 151423)

Learning Programs

  • When attempting to configure a Learning Program, in an assignment group, with a reminder and due date, the information now saves without issue. (CR 151427)
  • Deactivated users no longer receive Learning Program Enrollment emails when an administrator enrolls the group in which the deactivated users are assigned to the Learning Program. (CR 151558)
  • Now, when you click the Manage Enrollment link from the Learning Programs page, an error no longer displays. (CR 151738)
  • All learners enrolled in a Learning Program display as expected when you click Manage Waivers. (CR 151743)
  • In the Save to Learning Plan dialog box, when a learner clicks Save for more than one session of an ILT course, the same ILT course no longer displays in the learning plan multiple times. (CR 152908)


  • Learners are now able to access their content from Browse the Library. (CR 153156)


  • The issue where reports ran very slowly and froze has been fixed. (CR 153673)


  • The Additional Content Language selections offered to the learner in the Browse menu are now limited to those selected in the learner's profile. (CR 145607)


  • On the self registration page, when you click Select next to the Location option, the screen no longer grays out. (CR 150265, 152129)

Users and Groups

  • When searching for users, when you click either the Next Page or Last Page icon, an error message no longer displays incorrectly. (CR 151293)
  • When searching for users, the first page of the search results now show the expected first 25 results. (CR 151351)
  • When a new group is created, the group structure now automatically expands to show the newly created group. (CR 152033)
  • Now, when searching for a user via User Management, the Group Membership on the User Info pane shows the group name. (CR 152240)
  • The Batch Add User template now reflects the field header settings as set up on the Configuration > User Profile page in Skillport Administrator. (CR 152707)