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Skillport 8 Patch 15 (8.0.3163) February 2014

Batch Add

  • When attempting a batch add of users for assignment groups, and receiving an Error updating user message, if you attempt to manually add the users to the assignment group, you no longer receive a User ID does not exist error message. (CR 154951)

Books/Courses/ Videos

  • When launched from a tablet, content that is not optimized or supported on tablets are now displaying an error message informing the learner of the limitation instead of freezing the screen. (CR 153806)


  • When an admin creates a learner in the User Management page, and specifies a location for that learner, the location is now specified in the learner's My Profile page when that learner joins Community through Skillsoft Advantage. (CR 145845)
  • When you enter a location, education information, or text into the About Me sections of your Community profile, SLAs now display this information, and vice-versa. (CR 128747)
  • After joining the Community through the Join link within a Skillsoft Leadership Advantage package, when the learner returns to Skillport and clicks Visit Community, the Community page now shows the Edit Profile link as expected. (CR 136052)


  • When configuring your Quick Links, and you select the New Window option, links now open as expected to the Skillsoft documentation on the Skillport 8 Knowledge Base. (CR 154631)
  • When updating the welcome message within an advanced group, the change occurs only in the specified group, as expected. (CR 155348)
  • When a Featured Topics folder is designated as a Browse View, the Featured Topics drop-down list on the What's New page now displays correctly. (CR 155535)
  • The To Do List no longer displays at the bottom of the page. It displays at the top, where expected. (CR 155788)

Email Notifications

  • When an automated Skillport email notification includes a link, that link no longer redirects you to an error page. (CR 156375)
  • When trying to edit custom New User Email Notification templates, the system no longer displays an error message. (CR 156826)

Instructor-led Training

  • When a learner is already enrolled in an upcoming session of an ILT course (with an initial start date that has already passed), he is no longer presented with an unexpected Enroll link. (CR 151426)
  • The Roster tab is not active when empty, which is as-designed. (CR 155576)

Learning Programs

  • When adding items to a Learning Program, searching for items now yields results. (CR 152803)


  • If learners are part of an assignment group that only has custom content, their library now displays the correct content. (CR 152851)

Live Events

  • When you click Recommend from the Live Event Viewer, and then go back to the Live Event Details page and click Recommend there as well, you no longer see the same Thank you for joining the Community message that displayed in the Live Event Viewer. (CR 145845)


  • Skillport 7.3 API user management calls will not work with a new Skillport 8 installation. You must upgrade from 7.3 to 8 and ensure the custom user profile fields are configured correctly. (CR 158481)


  • When the registration option Multiple Select Box is selected, and the top-level group in the group tree has Display on Self Registration page not selected (cleared), the next group in the tree with the Display on Self Registration Page enabled displays on the self registration page, and you can now select it. (CR 153069)
  • The email you receive once you self-register now contains the correct URL. (CR 155067)

Sign On Page

  • On the Mac OS, when accessing a Skillport 8 site in Safari or Chrome, the "Terms of Use" is now on the same line as the "Privacy and Cookie Policy." (CR 154037)

Skillsoft Advantage

  • Learner profile images in Skillport and Skillsoft Advantage are now synchronized. (CR 130101, 145845)

Users and Groups

  • When you assign courses to a group, then add a new user to that group, the new user now inherits the catalog assignment as expected. (CR 149497)