Skillport 8 Patch 17 (8.0.3218) March 2014
Advanced Groups
- When creating a new Advanced group or changing an existing organizational group into an Advanced group, a fatal error no longer occurs. (CR 158206)
- Specified book collections no longer display as Everything. (CR 156172)
Course Completion
- When a course has a minimum duration associated with it for completion requirements and learners spend less time than what is specified, the course is now marked correctly. (CR 156695)
- Required Evaluations now display for learners upon login when the learner was enrolled in an ILT session requiring them. (CR 157224)
Instructor-led Training
- The Session Enrollment Limit ILT email template is no longer sent to an Instructor when it is set to only be sent to Session Administrators. (CR 157150)
- The number of ILT sessions displayed on the ILT Dashboard are now the same number of actual sessions for the course. (CR 157514)
- When a learner is withdrawn from an ILT session, and that session's ILT course is linked to a required evaluation, the withdrawn learner no longer receives a prompt to complete the evaluation upon their next Skillport sign in. (CR 159039)
- When a user within an Advanced group is assigned only one KnowledgeCenter, and that KnowledgeCenter is set as a What's New asset, the KnowledgeCenter now displays as expected. (CR 157069)
- Learning plan reports now properly indicate a Completed status for completed Learning Programs. (CR 157509)
- When a user with Admin privileges performs a search, then clicks a result's Show Details link, and then clicks the View in Catalog button, an error message no longer displays. (CR 157399)
Self Registration
- Administrators now receive self-registration notifications when a new learner registers for the site when notifications are set to send emails. (CR 158174)
Users and Groups
- Searching in User Management now returns only those results within the Admin account's user and group scope. (CR 158093)