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Skillport 8 Patch 18 (8.0.3241) April 2014

Batch Add/Update

  • Administrators can now apply custom Admin privileges in a batch user add/update within Skillport. (CR 158777)


  • Audio books now present the option to download them. (CR 156682)
  • On the Notifications page of My Profile, the Opt In option to receive notices about new Books24x7 collections is set to the default of No. When you select Yes, the change now saves as expected. (CR 158402)
  • Admins can now alter Books24x7 assignments. (CR 160050)
  • Admins can now assign direct Books assignments. (CR 160181)

Certificates of Completion

  • Certificates of completion now display the course name. (CR 159041)


  • Images in the Community pages now display properly. (CR 157538)


  • Scroll bars now display correctly in the Edit New User window. (CR 155251)
  • When using Chrome or Firefox, when you sign into Skillport and immediately access the Notifications section of My Profile, you no longer receive an invalidbooksurl error. (CR 158395)
  • The list of book collections in the New Title Notices section of My Profile now lists the complete, full name of the collection. (CR 158398)
  • The Featured Topics drop-down list on the What's New page now displays correctly. (CR 158847)
  • Hyperlinks on the What's New page no longer redirect learners to the site's sign in page. (CR 159015)
  • You can now use Internet Explorer to add featured assets to your What's New page. (CR 159146)
  • When you create a user with only Books assignments, the Browse Views now display. (CR 160400)
  • The images in the carousel now display as expected. (CR 161720)
  • Issues with using localized language text in the What's New message field in Skillport Administrator have been fixed. (CR 162029)


  • All words in localized emails now display as expected. (CR 155560)
  • Approval managers can now see the "Approve/Deny by" date and time in their notification emails. (CR 156495)

Instructor-led Training

  • In Internet Explorer 8, when enrolling or withdrawing from a ILT session within the learning plan, after you click Enroll or Withdraw, the pop up sessions window no longer resizes or cuts off text. (CR 158590)
  • Some Skillport learners received an ILT Session Updated email, when they were not enrolled in the ILT session referenced. This issue is resolved. (CR 158495)
  • User names now display correctly when on an ILT course waitlist. (CR 159305)
  • ILT courses and sessions are now available using search. (CR 160171)

Learning Plans

  • When assigning certain courses to a learning plan, and the Skillport interface language is set to UK English, an error message no longer displays. (CR 159462)

Learning Programs

  • You can now print a certificate of completion for a Learning Program. (CR 157149)
  • The Enroll option is now available to French learners. (CR 161294)


  • When you remove a course from a custom content folder in the Library, the course is removed as expected. (CR 158334)
  • Folders now display as expected in a browse view when learners are granted entitlements to the content within them. (CR 159937)
  • When you create a folder in the Library and assign that folder a custom course, you can now later remove that custom course from the folder. (CR 159943)
  • After changing your content language, you no longer receive an error message when clicking Browse the Library from Skillport. (CR 161202)
  • Unless the site is in US English, some learners could not see custom course folders through Browse the Library. This issue is resolved. (CR 162263)


  • Batch Add reports are now available upon upload completion. (CR 158229)
  • The issue where a comma (,) in the user_listing_detailed_by_user BCS report displayed as a pipe (|) in the User Listing > Detailed by User report in Skillport has been resolved. (CR 158194)


  • You no longer have to click Search multiple times for the search to work. (CR 156486)
  • Display issues with the Search box are resolved. (CR 157311)
  • The Search box no longer displays slightly differently in some versions of Internet Explorer than it does in other browsers. (CR 158307)
  • Search filters no longer direct learners to a blank page. (CR 158176)
  • When searching for content, the results now come back completely instead of a subset. (CR 160941)

Sign In Page

  • Customized links on the Forgot password? page in Skillport now open as expected. (CR 155874)

Users and Groups

  • An incorrect error message no longer displays when you attempt to change a normal group to an assignment group. (CR 157189)
  • When a change is made and saved to a learner's Catalog assignment or learning plan, and the next action is to click Edit in the User Info tab on the User Management page, Admins no longer receive either an error message or a page redirect to a different learner's Edit page. (CR 158687)
  • Admins are now able to see group hierarchies as expected. (CR 158595, 159940)