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Skillport 8 Patch 19 (8.0.3265) May 2014


  • The Buy Asset link for FastTrack Audio assets no longer directs users to an invalid URL. (CR 159522)


  • Font changes on the What's New page Welcome Message in Skillport Administrator now render in Skillport Learner. (CR 159739)


  • There is now an option to filter (sort) evaluations. (CR 159857)

Learning Plans

  • Some users with Admin privileges were unable to find courses that were assigned to their learning plan, and Learning Programs that were assigned to them could only be found using search. These issues are now resolved and the learning plan displays the assignments and Learning Programs. (CR 159944)
  • Learning plan assignments now load as expected for groups. (CR 161447)

Learning Programs

  • The order of assets in a Learning Program is no longer ignored when there is a set AND additional assets outside of the set in the Learning Program. The set now displays where the Admin places it within the Learning Program, and the order of assets, if applicable, is enforced. (CR 160186)


  • The Learning Program reports now correctly display completed assets as Completed. (CR 158166)
  • Reports that are queued and not yet ready to view now display the following error: Report Request Not Ready. The report for <reportIDxxxx> is not currently ready. Please try again later. (CR 160475)
  • In the Batch Upload User report, error messages no longer display when not applicable to the task. (CR 160618)
  • Multiple extra lines no longer display within the Asset Activity report for Video launch. (CR 161391)
  • Learners now display as either Started or Completed within Learning Program report results, instead of displaying as both. (CR 161811)


  • When searching for a learner, and you click the learner's Org Code link directly from the search results, an error message displays. (CR 159537)

    Workaround: Click the Edit link to open the learner's User Info page, then click the Org Code.

Self Registration

  • When Select List is set as the Data Type for multiple user profile fields, and they are set to required for Self Registration, it is no longer possible to self register without completing all of the required fields. (CR 159729)
  • Sometimes, when you select Region during self-registration, a new window opens and when you select a region, then click Done, the region does not save and an error message displays. (CR 160944)
  • Sometimes the self-registration page has display issues. (CR 161032)

Users and Groups

  • When attempting to access certain groups' Learning Assignment tab in the Users & Groups page, the screen displays Loading but the content doesn't load. (CR 161477)