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Skillport 8 Patch 20 (8.0.3285) May 2014

Changes and Enhancements:

  • A new SKP parameter, prioritize_ria_over_scp, was added that allows you to specify the preferred course player. The settings are:
    • 0: Always use the Skillsoft Course Player (SCP) instead of the Java-free Skillsoft Mobile Player (RIA).
    • 1: Attempt to use the Java-free Skillsoft Mobile Player (RIA) when both it and the SCP are suitable.

Bug Fixes:


  • Managers no longer see approval requests from learners that do not have the manager listed as their Approval Manager. (CR 163319)

Batch Add/Update

  • The changes from a Batch Update now save as expected when the system tells you the completion is successful. (CR 160499, 161908)
  • When you batch update or batch upload users, data in the Location field now uploads correctly. (CR 162095)
  • Batch update no longer fails when only a single user is included. (CR 164043)
  • All fields are now updated correctly after a Batch Update. (CR 164448)
  • You can no longer process a batch file that contains both new and existing users without resetting the password for existing users. (CR 165805)


  • Attempting to use the course Share function on SSL sites now returns SSL links. (CR 162076)
  • When accessing a chapter within a book using the Recently Viewed drop-down menu, an error message no longer displays. (CR 162647)
  • All folders visible in a learning track in the Administrator UI are now visible in the learner UI. (CR 164224)
  • Learning Programs are now displaying in Search results, and are visible from the Learning Programs page. (CR 164600)


  • Advanced Compliance rights can now be assigned to Company Administrators. (CR 165682, 159732)


  • The Welcome message no longer displays with improper formatting. (CR 164614)


  • Learners no longer receive a Training Plan Reminder Notice with an incorrect link for a course in their learning plan. (CR 161033)
  • Learners can now access assigned content from the ExecSummaries Insights Newsletter link in an email. (CR 165910)

External Learning Objects (ELOs)

  • ELO links no longer redirect you to a book or video. (CR 162171)

Instructor Led Training (ILT)

  • Attempting to access certain ILT courses listed on the What's New page no longer results in the following error: The application has encountered an error. Please contact your Training Manager. (CR 161418)
  • When sending a notification that an ILT session is closing, the variables in the email template now populate correctly in the sent email. (CR 161723)

Learner Transcripts

  • Completed recurring courses in the learner transcripts now reflect that they are recurring. (CR 161344)
  • Learners can now access Certificates of Completion from their transcripts. (CR 164834)

Learning Plans

  • You can now change the name of a set in your learning plan. (CR 160845)
  • When navigating to View Learning Plan, assignments in the General set are no longer shown in reverse order for some learners. (CR 161416)

Learning Programs

  • Learners can now access all Learning Programs displayed in their View Learning Plan page. Previously, clicking the Details link displayed an error. (CR 165160)


  • When browsing the library, the content presented now represents the entirety of offerings available. (CR 161213)
  • Custom content can now be re-ordered within series folders in the same way that stock content can. (CR 162736)

Notification Management (Emails)

  • Learners can now access assets from New Books Notification Emails. (CR 164741)
  • After creating an ILT session, when you are prompted to send the Session Created email template, an error message no longer displays. When you try to preview the Session Created email template in the Notification Management page, an error message no longer displays. (CR 162168)


  • When running the Learning Program > Summary by User report, the Filter Options for User Profile Filters now populate correctly and no longer list every instance of the value. (CR 159962)
  • Notification emails no longer contain invalid links. (CR 165020)
  • The Matrix by Learning Program report now displays accurate results. (CR 161740)


  • When you search for a video resource and expand View relevant sections under a resource in the results, you no longer receive references to different languages of videos. (CR 162089)

Skillsoft Advantage

  • Welch Way SA content now launches on a mobile device. (CR 160419)

Users and Groups

  • When there are enough groups that the group list becomes truncated, when you click the Org Code link for a group in a User Management search, the group tree now expands as expected to the selected group's location. (CR 153079)