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Edit a Standard User Profile Field

You can edit the access to standard user profile fields.

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To edit a standard user profile field

  1. Click Configuration > User Profile on the navigation bar.

    The Manage User Profile Fields page displays.

  2. In the Standard Fields section, select the field you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit Standard Field dialog box displays the information for the selected field.

    Edit Standard User Profile Field

  4. In the Access From section, select one of the following options for each Skillport page listed:
    • User Profile:
      • Hidden: The selected user profile field does not display on the My Profile page.
      • View Only: The selected user profile field displays as view-only on the My Profile page.
      • View and Edit: The learner can view and edit the selected user profile field on the My Profile page.
    • Self Registration:
      • Hidden: The selected user profile field does not display on the Self Registration page.
      • View Only: The selected user profile field displays as view-only on the Self Registration page.
      • View and Edit: The learner can view and edit the selected user profile field on the Self Registration page.
      • Required: The learner must enter a value for the selected user profile field on the Self Registration page.
    • User Manager:
      • Hidden: The selected user profile field does not display on the User Management page.
      • View Only: The selected user profile field displays as view-only on the User Management page.
      • View and Edit: The administrator can view and edit the selected user profile field on the User Management page.
    • Batch Add/Update Users:
      • Hidden: The selected user profile field does not display in the Batch Add/Update CSV file.
      • View and Edit: The administrator can view and edit the selected user profile field in the Batch Add/Update CSV file.
    • Reports Filter Options:
      • Hidden: The selected user profile field does not display in the reports filter.
      • View Only: The selected user profile field displays as view-only in the reports filter.
    • Change Password (Only available in the Email Address user profile field):
      • Hidden: The Email Address user profile field is hidden from learner access.
      • View Only: The Email Address user profile field displays as view-only and cannot be edited by the learner.
      • View and Edit: The learner can view and edit the Email Address user profile field in Skillport.
  5. Click Save.