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Skillport 8 Patch 29 (8.0.3739) January 2015

Bug Fixes

Batch Add/Update

  • The batch add/update process no longer fails without providing an error message indicating the reason for the failure. (CR 170178)
  • The batch add/update process is no longer failing due to the error: Approval Manager selection is not available. Please check your database settings. (CR 175675)


  • The option to take a course test is no longer missing for learners. (CR 169232)
  • After a keyword search, when you click View All after expanding the Relevant Sections link of a book in the search results, the book's Table of Contents no longer displays. (CR 171667)
  • When upgrading content, a standard course no longer fails to upgrade to a compliance course, and the compliance criteria now applies. (CR 171897)
  • Specific audio books can now be downloaded, and the Error while downloading file. Please contact administrator message no longer displays. (CR 173682)
  • When learners launch Advanced Compliance courses, a new window no longer opens, and then quickly closes. (CR 174658)
  • Learners can now access IT and Desktop Videos when there are free seats for the collection. (CR 175520)
  • Custom images for course icons no longer revert back to the default icon. (CR 175927)
  • An ExecSummary can now be downloaded when launched from search results. (CR 176748)


  • On the Manage Templates tab, the administrator can now create custom templates. (CR 174821)
  • When editing notification templates, variables in the Subject and Body fields can now be separated with spaces. (CR 174999)
  • When attempting to edit the Assets or Welcome Message tabs on the See What's New page, in Internet Explorer the page is no longer blank. (CR 175110)


  • The logo in the top left hand corner of the self registration screen no longer appears stretched. (CR 171615)
  • Learners are no longer having issues when attempting to login to Skillport. (CR 172275)
  • While in 508 Web Accessibility mode, you can now use Tab to sort columns in the learner transcript. (CR 172538)
  • When you click the Details link of a video presented on the What's New page, the video description displays as expected. (CR 174545)
  • A learner can now click options on the Skillport site's main page. (CR 175175)

Instructor Led Training (ILT)

  • A learner now receives confirmation after enrolling, and then withdrawing, from an ILT session. (CR 170921)
  • A learner no longer receives an enrollment confirmation email when a withdrawal notification should have been sent. (CR 171329)
  • Learners are now receiving custom Enrollment and Withdrawal ILT emails. (CR 173981)
  • The ILT course overview page no longer shows more users enrolled than the sessions view page for several ILTs. (CR 174086)
  • When viewing an ILT course, learners now see all available sessions. (CR 174566)
  • The Duration time for an ILT session no longer displays hours formatted as minutes. (CR 174825, 175601)
  • After enrolling in ILT sessions, learners are now receiving Enrollment emails. (CR 175690)

Learner Transcripts/Course Completions/Certificates of Completion

  • Once completed, a course now displays in the learner transcript. (CR 172544)
  • Certificates of completion now display the completion date. (CR 174179)
  • Learners that restart a multiple completion course that is marked "In Progress" are not credited for completing the course when they are assigned a Learning Program containing the course. This is as designed since the previous completion satisfies the learning program requirements. (CR 174444)
  • The recurring due date for a course is no longer incorrect based on the assignment type which is set to recur by completion date. (CR 174757)

Learning Plan

  • Learners can now restart a required course. (CR 169701)
  • Some learners who did not complete a course (and their site did not update with their progress) are no longer displaying a status of Complete. (CR 171607)
  • Recurring Learning Plan Assignments are now honoring prior completions and no longer cause the next assigned due date to be incorrect. (CRs 172717, 174155)
  • My Plan assignments are now appearing in the learners' Learning Plans and To Do lists. (CR 173969)
  • For learners in a specific group, learning plan assignments are now viewable in their learning plan. (CR 174182)
  • When the Learning Plan is set to "hidden," learners can no longer save assets to it from the What's New page. (CRs 174865, 175758)
  • The next recurring due date for some Advanced Compliance courses no longer shows incorrectly after the learner completes the course. (CR 174934)
  • Inherited assignments are now showing up in learners' Learning Plans. (CR 176094)

Learning Programs

  • Administrators can now verify that a learner is enrolled in a learning program. (CR 168300)
  • Learners who complete a learning program before the learning program is assigned through group enrollments, will now show as enrolled. (CR 172123)
  • A learner can no longer be removed from a learning program assignment by a user that was previously deleted from the database. (CR 173174)
  • Learners can no longer complete learning programs without meeting all the requirements. (CR 175683)

Library / Content

  • You can now successfully hide assets using the Hide All button. (CRs 170115, 173688)
  • Results are now found when searching for Passive content items by name or by course code in Completion Criteria. (CR 170866)
  • When browsing the Library, learning content in the left panel now displays in alphabetical order as expected. (CR 171387)
  • Learners from one specific group are now able to access the Microsoft Office 2013 folder, and no longer receive the error: Refware with given code does not exist when attempting to access Microsoft Office 2013 folder. (CR 175489)

Live Learning

  • Live sessions for a Live Learning course now show a completion status after the learner accesses or attends the sessions. (CR 171392)

Localization (Translations)

  • A stock asset image no longer displays for French Welch Way content. (CR 170948)


  • Learners can now sign into Skillport using Chrome on an Android device, and the An error has occurred. WebKitPoint is not defined error no longer displays. (CR 174664)


  • When configuring a My Plan assignment for a learning program, the learner is now being sent an email. (CR 168047)
  • Learners are no longer getting pending due email notifications with incorrect due dates. (CR 173290)
  • After upgrading to Skillport 8, the URL in the New Title Notice (NTN) email is wrong. (CR 173609)
  • A learner no longer receives overdue email reminders for a completed course. (CR 173672)
  • Learners are now receiving an email when they are automatically moved by the system from Wait List to Confirmed status. (CR 174075)
  • The system now automatically sends an email to notify users of changes to session notes. (CR 174441)
  • A notification email is no longer sent to Instructors when an ILT session is canceled, if the Session Canceled template is deactivated. (CR 175747)
  • The administrator can now access the Approval Manager page when accessing the link from an email. (CR 175925)


  • BCS commands are no longer failing in the Learning Activity Asset Activity by User report due to invalid parameters. (CR 173102)
  • When attempting to run the BCD command on Skillport 8 sites, the course code is no longer listed in the title field. (CR 174185)
  • When passing a URL with an invalid video included, the Single Pass User Command shows an application error message that is now informative. (CR 174190)
  • The GetUserProfiles BCS command now returns information about advanced groups. (CRs 174593, 175418, 175504)
  • An error no longer occurs when attempting to access the URL to a topic summary using BCS. (CR 175515)
  • The GetUserProfilefIeldInformation BCS command no longer fails to return output. (CR 175778)


  • Courses published to the preview site are now appearing in the library. (CR 166788)
  • Attempting to publish a course to a production site from Skillstudio no longer produces the error: Published to Production Site (failed). BCS failed. (CR 174731)


  • When running Books24x7 related reports, the full list of collections is now listed in the asset filter. (CR 165436)
  • Recipients no longer receive multiple report completion emails when scheduled reports run. (CR 168957)
  • ExecSummaries are now appearing in the Library Summary and Library Detail reports. (CR 168984)
  • The Learning Program report no longer lists multiple users with a status of both Started and Completed for the same Learning Program and for the same dates. (CR 169147)
  • The Asset Activity by User and Books and Videos Content Activity reports no longer show inconsistent data. (CR 169950)
  • The Books and Videos Content Activity > Detailed by Asset report no longer produces the error: Error Rendering Result Data: Report processing has been canceled by the user. (CR 170122)
  • The Books and Videos Content Activity Summary by Asset report no longer excludes results for a known asset. (CR 170321)
  • Reports are no longer showing a runtime of 23+ hours when it only takes a few minutes to complete. (CR 170632)
  • A completed course no longer displays as in progress in the User Learning Plan Detailed report. (CR 170794)
  • The Learning Activity > Asset Activity By User report no longer shows a completion date for a course that is three days in advance of the last access date. (CR 171425)
  • When running reports, timestamps for the latest ETL are now current. (CR 172263)
  • The Library Detailed report no longer returns far fewer assets than expected when compared to the AICC Metadata. (CR 172945)
  • Reports are no longer showing inconsistent completion statuses for the same course. (CR 173194)
  • The administrator is no longer experiencing latency or an Error Rendering Results message with the Content Activity > Detailed by Content report. (CR 173846)
  • Learners with completed courses no longer wait 48 hours after the course completion to be included in report activity. (CR 174049)
  • A learner no longer shows as in progress for a learning program in the User Learning Plan report, but completed in the Learning Program > Summary by User report. (CR 174279)
  • The Asset Activity by User report no longer shows incorrect data in the Actual Duration field. (CR 174363)
  • When attempting to modify the scheduled frequency for a report from weekly to monthly, the schedule no longer defaults back to weekly. (CR 174564)
  • The Content Activity > Detailed by Content report no longer shows the completion status as in progress for sessions that are complete. (CR 174829)
  • Actual Duration times for learners' course activity is now showing accurately in reports. (CR 175295)
  • The administrator can now access the reporting interface. (CR 175391)
  • The Learning Program Summary by User report no longer shows an incorrect status for a Learning Program that was assigned to a user by two different means. (CR 175408)
  • When creating report templates, the selected display options are now persisting. (CR 175506)
  • A completed a course now shows as complete on the User My Plan Detailed report. (CR 176017)


  • Custom content can now be searched in the Library. (CR 173494)

Users and Groups

  • When attempting to grant waivers for a user in a Learning Program, there no longer appears to be four duplicate courses instead of four distinct courses within the Learning Program. (CR 170410)
  • Learners now inherit assignments from a parent group, and from the Learning Plan. (CR 170748)
  • If a learner attempts to access a Books24x7 resource which has available seats, but the learner is concurrently assigned to multiple collections, and any other collection has zero free seats, they are now allowed to access that resource. (CRs 171564, 176170)
  • Administrators can now edit users' profiles. (CR 174276)
  • User profile fields that were not updated during the Skillport 8 upgrade have been updated. (CR 175008)
  • After updating users' names, privileges no longer inadvertently change for all managers. (CRs 176087, 176275)
  • New users are now able to see inherited Learning Plan assignments. (CRs 174285, 176327)