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Skillport 8 Patch 30 (8.0.3786) February 2015

Changes and Modifications

  • Skillport now treats custom content as Java-free for Admin display and hide purposes. This change allows Java-free Skillport content to be enabled on sites which also have custom content. (CR 175261)

    Prior to Patch 30, Skillport treated custom courses as Java-dependent, even though the majority were Java-free. When the Java-free and Java-dependent content control was enabled in Skillport 8 Patch 22 (using skp parameter enable_java_free_content), Skillport sites with custom content installed were advised to disable the parameter because the Java status of custom content was unknown. Now, when this parameter is enabled on sites with custom content, all custom content will be displayed and treated as being Java-free.

    For more information, see Java-Free and Java-Dependent Content.

Bug Fixes

Batch Add/Update

  • You can now perform a batch update of user accounts in which you have removed the email address. (CR 175522)
  • When attempting to create a Learning Event using Internet Explorer under a learner's Learning Assignment, the administrator now has the option to select a start or end date. (CR 176731)


  • Custom images uploaded for ELOs are being stored on a non-secure (HTTP) domain. Learners are no longer prompted to download images, and the correct image now displays when accessed from a secure domain. (CR 168664)
  • A course will no longer launch with a user-configured player skin that is not compatible with the new course player. (CR 170566)
  • When viewing a book in the books viewer, the scroll bar no longer jumps to the bottom when you click on it and move the mouse in any direction. (CR 175277)


  • The administrator can now add multiple learning events in succession using Internet Explorer 9. (CR 177260)


  • When trying to view the users who recommended an asset, the window is no longer blank. (CR 166136)
  • The Community Score and blocks are now displaying as expected. (CR 173983)


  • The administrator no longer receives an error when attempting to enable inGenius. (CR 176072)


  • When browsing the Library, Series now display the correct number of assets. (CR 173749)


  • The Help link on a Learning Program's Manage Enrollments page no longer displays a 404 File not found error. (CR 176283)
  • The Help link on the ILT Create a New Session window no longer displays a 404 File not found error. (CR 176739)

Instructor Led Training (ILT)

  • Upcoming Events now display on the home page when there are scheduled ILT sessions. (CR 173670)
  • The ILT Course and Session Manager no longer shows open sessions that are actually complete and closed to enrollments. (CR 175607)
  • ILT instructors no longer receive a Withdrawal email notification for an ILT session a user neither enrolled in nor withdrew from, personally or administratively. (CR 175695)
  • When an administrator saves an evaluation with more than ten questions then links it to an ILT Session, the questions no longer disappear. (CR 176552)
  • After creating two ILT sessions, the sessions now appear in the Catalog and in the Upcoming Events section. (CR 177453)

Learner Transcripts/Course Completions/Certificates of Completion

  • A Learning Program no longer shows as complete in the Learning Plan, but incomplete within Reporting. (CR 169840)
  • When a learner completes a course then launches it from the Learner Transcript, a Force Restart is no longer applied if the feature is disabled. (CR 170187)
  • Courses on a user's transcript are now retaining course progress. (CR 171889)
  • A learner's progress for a course now persists. (CR 172076)
  • Certificates of completion now load without issue and no longer display an error. (CR 172950)
  • The learner's transcript and report results no longer show inconsistent completion dates for a course. (CR 175608)
  • A course no longer shows a status of Complete for a learner when the learner has not met the minimum scoring requirements. (CR 175753)
  • First/ Last Access dates are now appearing on reports and transcripts for live learning assets. (CRs 177399, 177564)

Learning Plan

  • If you have a KnowledgeCenter assigned to your Learning Plan, when you attempt to expand it, you will no longer see the following message: No more items available. (CR 172936)
  • The next recurring due date for a course no longer displays incorrectly in the Learning Plan. (CR 173176)
  • Inherited Learning Program assignments are now showing in learners' Learning Plans. (CR 174808)
  • The Evaluations link under Assigned Learning now launches the evaluation. (CR 175021)
  • Courses now display in the same order in the Course Catalog folder and the Learning Plan assignment folder. (CR 175524)
  • Learners no longer receive an overdue notice for a course that is not in their Learning Plan. (CR 176067)
  • Learners' course statuses no longer display as N/A in their Learning Plan. (CRs 176899, 177810)
  • When configuring My Plan and selecting a # of Days in Period After Assignment, the entered due dates for learning plan assignments now persist. (CR 178322)

Learning Programs

  • Learning Programs are now appearing in the Library when logged in to the Admin page. (CR 172356)
  • A Learning Program no longer displays as Complete, if all assets in it are not completed. (CR 172518)
  • Administrators no longer have the ability to change Learning Program enrollments for groups outside of their actual scope. (CR 175001)

Library / Content

  • Courses no longer incorrectly appear hidden. (CR 176010)
  • The administrator can now reorder folders using the drag and drop method within the Quick Links Admin section. (CR 176147)

Live Events

  • There are no longer delays in updates made to Live Events. (CR 173977)


  • Users no longer receive reminder notices with incorrect due dates. (CR 175025)
  • Users who are not Approval Managers no longer receive approval requests for an ILT Session. (CR 175263)


  • The SL_DetailedSearch web service no longer times out when attempting to search for books. (CR 168216)
  • When the SKP parameter "olsa_signed_ro_applet" is set to 0, requests sent by OLSA are no longer rejected by the LMS's web server for being too large. (CRs 175741, 177119)
  • When disabling the OLSA RO applet, Skillport is no longer unable to connect with the client's TPLMS AICC_URL. (CR 175743)
  • The results from a detailed search, and then a paginated search on an OLSA site are now consistent with the results from a federated search, and then a paginated search. (CR 176510)


  • The Learning Plan Detail report no longer shows an asset as incomplete, when the same asset shows as complete in the Learner Transcripts and Asset Activity reports. (CR 171714)
  • When updating a site from SkillPort 7.3 to Skillport 8.0, report data now includes information for custom user profile fields. (CR 174375)
  • Group names now display correctly in reports. (CR 175102)
  • The Learning Program > Matrix by Learning Program report no longer shows a Learning Program status of "Started" when the Learning Program has been completed. (CR 175403)
  • In the Content Activity report, completion dates on ILT courses/sessions that were completed in 2014, no longer show completion dates in 2015. (CR 176252)
  • The Learning Activity Asset Activity by User report no longer shows an actual duration for a course as '0'. (CR 176982)


  • An error message no longer displays when searching the Government section of the Library with all of the following specific filters selected: (CR 173338)
    • Type: All
    • Additional Filter: Tablet Accessible
    • Additional Filter: By Me
  • When searching for any word in the Search box, the following error no longer appears in German: Search terms must include at least two alpha numerical Symbols. (CR 176137)

Users and Groups

  • Updating a user during an import no longer produces an error indicating the Education field could only accept 255 characters. (CR 175677)
  • The administrator can now grant a waiver for a course within a Learning Program when the learner completes the course before the Learning Program assignment. (CR 175894)