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Skillport 8 Patch 31 (8.0.3815) February 2015

Bug Fixes

Skillsoft Learning App

  • SAML Authentication - the Learning App now supports Integrated Windows Authentication (also known as NTLM authentication) or HTTP Basic authentication. (CR 177634)
  • When an author bio in a Blueprint content item is viewed in the Learning App, the author bio image is no longer overlapped by the related text information. (CR 177435)
  • Content items marked as a Favorite (other than Books) are no longer missing from the Favorites list after the user logs out of the Learning App and then logs back in. (CR 177904)

Batch Add/Update

  • A bulk update is now successful if the Approval Manager field is the only field that contains data. (CR 177512)


  • When learners have more than 3 items in their To Do List, they can now scroll through the list when using Internet Explorer 8. (CR 177660)
  • The administrator is now able to edit External Learning Objects using Internet Explorer as there were no Save or Cancel buttons. (CR 176677)


  • Functionality of the skp parameter enableApprovalManager has changed: (CR 170758)
    • The parameter now determines whether the manager approval option should display for LPs and ILT session enrollments. Disabling will auto-approve all LP and ILT session enrollments that are pending manager approvals.
    • The parameter no longer affects whether the Approval Manager and My Approvals Quick Links display. Those links will always display and the Approval Manager page will be accessible (to appropriate users) because there are other manager approval related actions that cannot be disabled.
    • The skp parameter llc_requires_approval still determines whether manager approval request is needed for LLCs, but was updated to auto-approve any LLC enrollments that are pending manager approval at the time the parameter is set to false. This parameter no longer relies on the enableApprovalManager parameter being enabled to allow the manager to view the approval requests on the Approval Manager page, since the enableApprovalManager parameter no longer controls this.
    • Additionally, the name of the web site switch Enable Manager Approval changed to User Manager Selection. The functionality of the switch did NOT change. It still controls the skp.enableUserManager setting which enables or disables the ability to select an approval manager for a user. The name was changed so it is not confused with controlling the skp.enableApprovalManager parameter.


  • A user attempting to login no longer receives a gray screen. (CR 178019)

Instructor Led Training (ILT)

  • All ILT sessions are now appearing in the ILT session manager. (CR 177178)
  • The administrator can now locate a newly created ILT course with Search or Browse. (CR 177650)
  • ILT sessions no longer display multiple times for some learners. (CRs 178097, 178538)

Learner Transcripts/Course Completions/Certificates of Completion

  • The last access date for a learner's course activity no longer shows as later than the completion date in both the transcripts and reporting. (CR 175415)
  • Courses can now sync progress data to Skillport when downloaded and played through the SCM. (CR 176089)
  • Signatures now display on CPE and PMI certificates. (CR 178140)

Learning Plan

  • A user's course status no longer displays as N/A in the Learning Plan. (CR 170564)
  • When creating a Learning Plan Assignment, adding courses to subfolders within folders no longer creates a copy of the subfolders at the bottom of the list. (CR 175027)
  • Updating a learning plan assignment recurrence no longer results in an incorrect due date. (CR 175305)
  • During an upgrade to Skillport 8, existing folders are now imported to the Learning Plan. (CR 175383)
  • A new Learning Program can be located in Admin > Content > Learning Programs, and in the library. (CR 177527)
  • Learning Plan Assignment Updated notifications no longer show incorrect due dates for inherited group assignments. (CRs 178404, 178221)

Learning Programs

  • The completion date for a Learning Program now corresponds to the completion dates for the assets withing the Learning Program. (CR 170496)
  • Assets now appear in a new Learning Program when copied from an existing Learning Program. (CR 176074)
  • Learning Programs no longer disappear from view after an upgrade. (CR 177887)

Library / Content

  • Browse View is now displaying the Leadership Curriculum folder. (CR 168218)
  • Users in advanced groups are now able to access content when browsing the Library. (CR 168739)
  • Loading latency is no longer experienced when accessing items in the Admin Catalog/Library. (CR 170124)
  • When Browse the Library is clicked using Chrome or Internet Explorer, the browser window no longer crashes. (CR 171232)
  • Learners no longer report latency issues when Browsing the Library. (CR 176896)
  • When a course is added to a sub-folder inside another sub-folder, learners can now see it when Browsing the Library. (CR 177117)
  • Courses in sub-folders now appear when browsing the Library. (CR 177405)
  • When clicking Details > More Actions > Share for a specific course, the Share link is now accessible and no longer displays as a white square on the page. (CR 177241)

Localization (Translations)

  • A user no longer encounters an error when trying to switch the library language. (CR 168334)
  • Enrollment status is no longer undefined when enrolling into a learning program using French. (CR 177880)


  • Learners no longer receive overdue notices for completed courses. (CR 177868)


  • Attempting to perform a single / multiple asset metadata request in which one of the requested course codes is "inactive" (previously uninstalled and then deactivated) no longer results in the error message: Unable to retrieve configuration settings. (CR 175031)
  • Passing an invalid Book ID to the SPUC or SPUC Extended commands no longer results in a java.lang.NumberFormatException error message, instead of the expected SPUC response. (CR 175774)
  • The X508 Flag is no longer dropped when using the SinglePassUserExtended BCS command. (CR 177040)
  • When OUCCORS is enabled, the Skillport completion criteria is now being reflected in OLSA-based course launches. (CRs 177581, 178307)
  • The UM_GetUserDetailsExtended call no longer returns a "/user" closing tag without a corresponding "user" start tag. (CR 179088)


  • The Learning Plan Detailed report no longer shows assets as assigned when they are not assigned in the user's Learning Plan. (CR 170184)
  • The User Learning Plan Detailed report now returns all expected assets. (CR 173700)
  • The Completion Status is no longer inconsistent across reports. (CR 174651)
  • A course no longer shows as complete in the Learner Transcript, but Overdue and Not Started in reports. (CR 174920)
  • The ILT Student Roster report no longer contains the Activity Date Range filter. (CR 176063)
  • Attempting to delete Personal templates no longer produces an SQL error. (CR 176627)
  • Attempting to run or preview the ILT Detailed by User report no longer produces an error. (CR 176746)


  • Learners can now locate books with Search when the book is included in their assigned collections. (CR 177385)

Users and Groups

  • The course due dates for users now update when the users are removed from, then added back to, a group. (CR 176424)
  • In the User Management page, attempting to move a specific user to a different group no longer produces an error. (CR 177118)