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Modify Additional Display Options

The Display Options drop down includes the following options in addition to the Display Fields. Before saving the report template, ensure the following options meet your needs:

  • Delimeter - The character inserted between field values in the report results file. Available options include:
    • comma
    • semicolon
    • space
    • pipe
    • tab

      Note: If the currently specified delimiter character is used in a data value, or any cell in the results, then (as per the CSV formatting rules) the value in the label or cell will be surrounded by double quotes in the final output.

  • Newline - The character(s) used to terminate a row in the report results file. Available options include: <CR><LF> or <LF>.
  • Select Time Zone - Although activity is always recorded in UTC time, choosing Select Time Zone allows you to display the times in your local time zone. Changing the Time Zone does not affect the time used for the Activity Date Range filter.  Reports are always filtered using UTC times.  For example, a report run for the 10th  of the month, would include any activity from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the 10th, UTC.
  • List users with multiple groups in - Available options include Multiple Rows or Single Row. Used to determine the display of records for users that are in multiple groups. If Multiple Rows is selected, a record will display for every group of which the user is a member. If Single Row is selected, only one record for the user will display and group related fields will display a value of 'multiple'. This option is only applicable to reports that are sorted by user or asset and user. This option is not applicable for reports that are sorted by group.