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Advanced Search

Use the search filters to refine your search results.

To refine your search results

Once your keyword search results display, in the Refine By section of the Search Results page, you can do any of the following:

  • Search for specific terms within your category.
  • Select a subcategory for a more content-targeted search (such as a specific area within a subject).
  • Select one or more filters for a more personalized search (such as content within your learning plan, or content recommended by your colleagues).

Note: To view the results of a single content type (for example, Books or Courses) click View All next to the appropriate heading.

Available Actions within the Search Results

Depending on the asset type, different actions are available within each result. Here are some of the most common; note this is not a complete list of possible actions:

  • Details: Opens the asset's details page.
  • Launch: Launches the asset.
  • Download: Downloads the content for offline use.

    Note: Courses download through the SkillSoft Course Manager (SCM). If you do not have SCM installed, a new window opens automatically and you are prompted to install it.

  • Share: Opens the Share dialog box, which displays the direct URL of the asset's Details page, code to embed the link to the asset's Content Details page, and a link to send an email containing the asset's direct URL, ID and title. For more information, see Share an Asset with Others.
  • Save: Opens the Save to My Learning Plan dialog box so you can add the asset directly to your learning plan.
  • Related Topics: A pop-up displays all Library topics related to the asset.
  • Relative Topics: A pop-up displays all the topics within courses that are relevant to the asset.
  • Relevant Sections: Displays the specific sections within the Book that are relevant to the asset.