Learners begin a Roleplay or Case Study Serial Multiple Choice with the highest score possible. Each response choice has a rating associated with it, and each rating has a point value:
Note: SkillSoft recommends that Rolepays fewer than 5 pages not be used as part of a test, as the threshold score would be so low that the validity of the test could be brought into question. For short Roleplays, SkillSoft recommends entering a value of 1 in the Threshold % field, preventing a premature exit from the Roleplay.
Additional ratings may be added to the ratings text fields, with their associated point value ranging from 0-6 points. Points are deducted from the starting high score as the learner progresses through the Roleplay or Case Study; for each appropriate answer, no points are deducted; for each fair answer, 1 point is deducted, and so on. Once the learner falls below the passing percentage, the Roleplay or Case Study is terminated and the learner is encouraged to try again.
To set scoring in a Roleplay or Case Study:
In this example, a Roleplay has 5 child pages.
Starting high score: 5 (# of child pages) x 3 = 15
Acceptable passing percentage: 60%
Threshold score: 15 (starting high score) x 60% (passing percentage) = 9
In this same example, to trigger an exit of the Roleplay (threshold set at 60%), the learner can make the following choices:
This score triggers the display of the threshold exit response and feedback and the Roleplay or Case Study Serial Multiple Choice ends. Higher passing percentages make it more likely that learners will trigger the Threshold exit option. Thresholds should be set higher when the actual consequences of inappropriate responses would result in a premature end to the interaction.