Threshold values are only available in the Single Path Roleplay and Case Study Serial Multi Choice templates. These parameters are set to force a learner (who consistently chooses poor response choices) out of the Roleplay or Case Study, and encourage the learner to take the instruction again. When completing a Roleplay in Score mode, the SkillSoft Course Player calculates the learner's score at the end of each question.
The Threshold parameter has the following features available:
The Threshold Response Text box is prompted by a series of inappropriate (poor) Response Choices. You can enter a conclusion of the interactions between the learner and the Roleplay's characters, informing the learner as to why he was exited from the scenario.
Note: SkillSoft recommends that if there is an individual in the graphic, his/her demeanor should reflect the tone of the Threshold Response Text.
If at any time during the Single Path Roleplay or Case Study Serial Multi Choice a learner's choices cause the learner's score to go lower than the threshold score, instead of displaying the feedback associated with the choice the learner made, the player displays the threshold graphic, threshold feedback and the threshold response text, effectively ending the SinglePath Roleplay or Case Study.
For more information about determining the threshold score, see Threshold Scoring.
The threshold feedback text should be generic enough to make sense throughout the entire Roleplay, as it is impossible to predict at which question the learner will pass below the threshold score. For example, threshold response text "I think this phone call is finished" is generic enough to make sense anywhere in the Roleplay. Likewise, the threshold feedback is also generic enough that it reflects the failure of the learner to meet the overall goal or objective associated with the Roleplay.