Select the desired report type for details about what is contained in that specific report.
The Assessment Report displays test questions and correct answers.
A listing of all audio files that require modification. An audio file may be entered into the report if the text and the contents of a recorded audio file do not match, a change has been made to the text that requires an audio file to be re-recorded, or an audio file is of poor quality. Data for the report is entered through the Pickup List.
This report shows the file name of Audio Description Audio files and where they reside in the course.
Note: This feature is intended for future use, when new Skillsoft courses with AD files become available.
This report shows the file name of Audio Description Video files and where they reside in the course.
Note: This feature is intended for future use, when new Skillsoft courses with AD files become available.
You must select a course node before running the Character Audio report, which is similar to the Audio Production Report, but only lists pages with "character" audio file (such as an interpersonal dialog). This includes all simulated dialog pages as well as some Explore pages.
A listing of comments text along with information about its associated component (lesson, topic, page set, etc). You can filter the comments by audio, general, graphic designer, learning design, quality assurance, subject matter expert, technical content reviewer, or writer.
An overall statistical summary of the course. This report includes the course approximate duration, the published duration, the number of lessons and topics, the percentage of higher level objectives, a count of the number of templates and page sets, and information on media file usage. You must select a course node before running the Course Data report.
You must select a course before running the Course Design Document report. It displays the complete course structure, including:
Shows all text entered in the Graphic Text dialog box, which is only available through the Graphic Text button on the Explore Graphic, Expos Caption, List Caption, HTML Caption, Explore Graphic Caption, and Sim Dialog Caption templates.
The Instructor Report includes course instructor names, information about the instructors, and which topics are assigned to the instructors.
An overall outline of the Course's high-level structure, including:
You must select a course before running the Learning Path Plan. It displays the complete Learning Path structure, including:
This report takes the poster graphics files and course graphics files in the course and save them to a folder that you designate. Run the report to generate an HTML file that contains the text for the course with graphics links on the HTML Captions page. This report is useful for reusing content in another course.
A localized statistical summary of the course. The report is based on the existing Course Data report. It is only run at the entire course level and includes a localization word count and a list of external file names. Note that the objectives are not included in the report.
A report similar to the Live Report, but includes all SKillStudio templates (the Live report excludes all question templates). This report reproduces the text associated with each page in the course, the poster graphics assigned to each page, and the course graphics. Some pages are built outside SkillStudio, and the poster graphics used in those pages will not be listed. However, SkillStudio will identify these pages as HTML, HTML Simulation, and HTML Caption – in the report.
This report creates a copy of the poster graphics and course graphics in the course and save them to a folder that you designate. Run the report to generate an HTML file that contains the text for the course with graphics links to the HTML Caption page. This report is useful for reusing content in another course.
Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)
A general description of the course, approximate duration of the course, its goals, and target audience. Data includes course title, course duration, course description, course goals, target audience description, course prerequisites, part of series, series description, courses in this series, release date, objective percentages, and role plays. You must select a course node before running the Marketing Requirements Document report.
Lists all text marked as read by a narrator and all non-character text including Text items, List items, stems, prompts, and other Writing tab elements.
This report contains a listing of NASBA compliance requirements, based on course duration. The approximate course duration is displayed as well as the estimated and approximate duration for the Course Overview, Lesson Overview, and Topic. This report is only available for NASBA certified courses. A course must be NASBA-ready to run this report.
Displays a course outline broken down by lessons and topics with their associated objectives. Data includes estimated course duration, lesson titles, topic titles, and the objectives. You must select a course node before running the Objectives report.
Lists the names of all audio files and their associated text fields. This report is used by audio houses for audio scripts; it also includes a list of "characters." You can run this report on a selected topic, lesson, or entire course. You must select a course element before running the Production Audio report.
Extracts course data, if applicable, from the templates and places it into a form used to create Skillbriefs. You must select a course node before running the Skillbrief report.
This is a modified Text report, following the same format with the exclusion of empty fields, container indicators, and closed comments.
This is a modified Text report, following the same format with the inclusion of comments from anyone reviewing the course.
A listing of all the text seen by the learner when the course is viewed in the Course Player. This report lists the name of the Course, Lesson, and Topic for each page set along with the actual instructional content. This report is useful for checking the course content for completeness and accuracy. You must select a course element before running the Text report.
A complete listing of a course element's content, including graphic descriptions, text items, and other course elements. You must select a course element before running the Transcript report.
The Video Report lists the actors and characters used on video pages within the course. It includes their dialogs and directions needed in the recording. The Video Report is in spreadsheet form, consisting of 20 pages, and includes the following:
The following fields will be populated with either Yes or No, depending upon if that character is used in that particular part of the course.
Other Audio Clips table - This table lists audio files that have been assigned to the character, but does not include audio files from video pages.
Static Images table - Synergy searches the Graphic Direction fields for the character name, and populates the following fields:
Associated Video page audits and warnings
In a video-enabled course, the course:
Note: An audit will test these limits and return an error message if any of these limits are exceeded. If these limits are exceeded, then the video report cannot be run until the audit issues are resolved.
A complete listing of a course's content, with all graphic descriptions highlighted. You must select a course node before running the Visual Design report.