The maximum allowed dimensions for a graphic is 476x432 pixels.
Graphics do not appear in the Graphic tab until they are assigned a trigger item.
Note: Exceptions include the Expos and Sim Dialog templates; these add the graphic as a show target of whatever page iteration you are working on, either the text item or one of the dialog entries.
Note: The graphic will not appear in the Graphics Container yet.
Click the Assign To tab on the Properties Panel.
From the drop-down menu, select the item you want to trigger the graphic (for example, if you want it to display with the second List item, select List item [2]).
Note: The Trigger Item drop-down list choices reflect all Writing tab elements in use on the page.
Check the Show box that corresponds to the graphic you want to show when the trigger item in the drop-down menu displays.
Check the Hide box that corresponds to the graphic you want to hide when the trigger item in the drop-down menu displays.
If you want celtic_avatar.jpg to show on Text Item and hide on List Item [1], you would:
Select Text Item in the drop-down list.
Check the Show box that corresponds to celtic_avatar.jpg.
Select List Item [1] from the drop-down list.
Check the Hide box that corresponds to the celtic-avatar.jpg.
From the drop-down menu, select the item you want to trigger the animated graphic (for example, if you want it to display with the second List item, select List item [2]).
Note: The Trigger Item drop-down list choices reflect all Writing tab elements in use on the page.
Check the Show box that corresponds to the animated graphic you want to show when the trigger item in the drop-down menu displays.
Check the Hide box that corresponds to the animated graphic you want to hide when the trigger item in the drop-down menu displays.
Note: Animated graphics are automatically configured to start when the trigger item displays. If you want the learner to begin the animation, right-click the graphic and uncheck Auto-start animated GIF, and enter a prompt on the Writing tab.