Use the Target button to add targets (words, sentences, phrases, or graphics to be matched with options) to Matching templates. The Target button contains the following features:
The Matching option drop-down menu shows the letters of the options available on the page:
For each target, select the corresponding option's associated letter in the drop-down menu to link the target and option together. The list of letters expands as the number of options added to the page increases.
The Target dialog box only appears when you click the Target button in the Matching Standard Text template. Use the Target dialog box to input text that corresponds with the available options.
Note: In the Matching Standard Text template, only text is supported in this dialog box.
The Graphic target direction dialog box only appears when a user clicks the Target button in the Matching Standard Graphic template. Use the Graphic target direction dialog box to input a description of the graphic associated with its associated option; graphic designers use these descriptions to create unique graphics for the page.