The Multiple Choice Fill-in Code, Explore Code, HTML Simulation, and updated Drag and Drop templates are now supported for Tablet-ready and Java-free courses.
The Summary Text Only and Multiple Choice Wide Fill-in templates have been removed for all courses.
The Skillcheck and Try It templates have been removed for Tablet-ready and Java-free courses.
The Publisher API was updated to offer better error reporting for virus detection on upload.
WYSIWYG now displays in 10x7 mode, mirroring the player resolution.
The topic duration value displayed in the Approximate Duration field on each Topic Information tab is now published into the SPCSF_duration field for each topic.
Bug Fixes
CR 61640: Drag and Drop: A redundant message is getting displayed in the Alert box when a page move is declined when dragged and dropped.
CR 115657: In certain cases, video filenames are duplicated in Roleplay video pages.
CR 69440: Report menu items should be disabled if no course is open.
CR 149163: CODE EDITOR: Tab issues if text copied from Word.
CR 114831: VIDEO: When Case Study Simdia video caption added to objective, the caption container disappears when played through on the Graphics tab (NOT A REGRESSION).
CR 151269: Graphic is not appearing on the Graphics tab unless you add text in the Writing tab first in some of the templates.
CR 149482: WINDOW 8.1: The program can't start because MSVCP71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem gets displayed when the user tries to Launch Synergy on new install.
CR 150572: LIVE REPORT: The graphics associated with the child pages of a Drilldown draggable page do not launch the associated graphic.
CR 157516: Application blocked by Security Settings using JRE 1.7.0_51 with default 'High' security setting when launching Preview (PS 1655419).
CR 155036: DRILLDOWN: Child pages are being treated as regular pages in courses if previewed at page level.
CR 156968: TABLET READY: The following templates need to be added to the supported list of templates for tablet courses: Explore Code, Summary Wide, Multiple Choice Fill-in Code, and HTML Simulation.
CR 152866: TRANSCRIPT: Click-in Graphic option alt text is not rendered in Transcript HTML.
CR 166527: The width and height fields of the Video Standard Caption in the Video tab display zero when the Tablet check box is selected. (Regression: Introduced in 1.23.28)
CR 162043: Drag and drop, and SPRP pages - The radio buttons present on the Graphics tab on these pages have been pushed way down the page (Regression)
CR 166808: SUMMARY WIDE PAGE: Add an audit to detect if a summary wide page is present in a course as this is not supported in RIA.
Known Issues
There are no known issues in this release.
Note: This release of SkillStudio was built with SCP