Added a scrollable drag and drop container: The activity container, which contains the Stem, Feedback, and Final Answer text items, is now resizable in the WYSIWYG editor.
Changes and Modifications
Added Skillchecks and TryIts to the list of supported templates for HTML5-ready courses.
Updated the JRE version bundled with SkillStudio to version 1.7.
Added English – UK to the list of courses that now have an index generated.
Bug Fixes
CR 153320: WINDOWS 8.1: SkillStudio leaves assembler.exe instance running upon closing, so not possible to re-launch unless you kill assembler.exe in Task Manager.
CR 160799: Cannot launch SkillStudio when machine is missing the 2010 Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraries (MCVCR).
CR 162164: SIM DIALOG VIDEO CAPTION TEMPLATE: Graphic assigned to caption is not appearing when using previous buildable button in previews of Sim Dialog Video Caption template.
CR 168716: When changing an instruction learning point to a summary learning point, the Add menu still shows all page types to add. (Not a regression)
CR 169728: Formatting of the transcript for the Video Standard Caption page is incorrect.
CR 169750: SPRP Page: The Threshold Response Text audio item is reported in the audit, even though the Threshold percentage is not entered. (Regression introduced in v1.17.SR2)
CR 169873: Drilldown draggable paste page option not enabled when right-clicking on an existing child page. (Not a regression)
CR 170288: Reports: Audio pick up list does not include numbers on numbered list pages in a Drilldown.
CR 170667: Unable to copy a Lesson that has a Lesson Overview with pages in it into another course. Exceptions generated. (Regression in v1.17 SR3)
CR 170728: DRAG AND DROP: The Final Answer is incorrectly labeled as a text item in a particular scenario. (Regression introduced in v1.17 SR2)
CR 171225: ROLEPLAY BRANCH PAGE: Response ratings not appearing in Text and SME reports.
CR 171367: Issues updating older Sim Dialog Caption pages to newer Sim Dialog Video Caption pages (Introduced in v1.17 SR1)
CR 171401: ROLEPLAY BRANCH PAGE: Response attribute not showing in reports.
CR 171508: SME Review Report: Exception thrown when no lesson title added. (Introduced in v1.16)
CR 172240: Audio previews in Audio dialog are not starting from zero.
CR 172598: The Audio file name displayed against text items does not update itself to display the changed file name in the Writing tab. (Regression introduced in v1.17 SR2)
CR 173000: Text report does not contain added generic feedback.
CR 173939: DRAG AND DROP: Need to add an audit to ensure any tooltips on the page are populated.
CR 173954: SPCSF: Need to update width and height in <_windowParameters> tag in SPCSF to 10 x 7 dimensions.
Known Issues
There are no known issues in this release.
Note: This release of SkillStudio was built with SCP