The File Menu contains the following commands and their associated keyboard shortcuts:
New - Creates a new course.
Open - Opens an existing course.
Save - Saves the active course.
Close Course - Closes a course. Ensure the course you wish to close is highlighted in the course tree.
Activate Course - An active course refers to the course that you are currently customizing. In an active course, changes can be made to the current content. An inactive course refers to one that is displayed in the Course Tree Pane, but changes cannot be made to the content. In order to edit the inactive course, you must activate it. Use this command to edit a course when more than one course is open.
Generate Blank Course - Generates a zip file containing a blank course.
Clone Course - You can clone a course and create language strings for localization. Select File>Clone Course and complete the fields in the window.
Import - Imports course strings to localize the course.
Export - Exports course strings for localization purposes.
Recent Files - Lists the most recently-accessed courses.
Exit - Exits the application. SkillStudio prompts you to save the course prior to exiting.
Customize - Creates a new customization of an open course. You must create a new course ID before customizing a course.