Added an Audio Description (AD) Text Only Report: This text format report lists each AD string in a video AD caption page, or in all pages in the course.
Updated Audio Description Video Report with the following changes:
At the course level, the report now includes a count of the total AD audio files for the course.
Added a Summary table at the top of the AD Video Report that shows Topic ID, Topic Title and Number of AD Videos in the Topic. This will let content developers see at a glance which topics require more work. This table will also list the topics that do not contain any AD caption pages.
Added a table for each topic containing Topic title, Topic ID, video filenames (based on BookIDs) and a count of the total AD audio files for the topic.
Changes to the General Information Tab: The "508 Compliant" and "WCAG 2.0 AA Compliant" check boxes and text strings will NOT appear on the General Information tab and the "508 Enabled" check box will NOT appear on the Clone Course Dialog when cloning content. Further, any courses opened in Skillstudio will have the course level xml updated to set enabled508="false" and enabledWCAG20="false".
Bug Fixes
You can no longer open (older, type = BC) Business Challenge course types in Skillstudio.
Note: This release of Synergy was built with RIA 3.1.321 and SCP