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Install a SkillStudio Course

SkillStudio does not include a built-in feature that allows you to export your custom course in either the AICC or SCORM eLearning Standards. When a course is exported via SkillStudio, it is exported in a raw format with no AICC or SCORM association. In order to apply either the AICC or SCORM standards against your course, you will need to process the course with the help of the Skillsoft Content Installer Kit (CIK). The CIK has the ability to process your custom course into the following standards:

To export a SkillStudio course to AICC or SCORM eLearning standards

  1. In SkillStudio, perform a Final Publish on your customized course.

    Final publish a SST custom course

    Once completed, the raw course will be placed in the Publish folder, located in the root of your course source folder.

    SST publish folder

  2. If you have not already done so, extract the contents of the CIK to your local hard drive.
  3. Place a copy of the final publish zip file into the Courses folder of the CIK.

    Example: C:\CIK_RELEASE_20100209\Course\

    Copy final publish course to CIK

    In order for the Content Installer Kit (CIK) to recognize your new custom course, there must be a corresponding entry for the course in the sp6content.xml file of the CIK. If there is no entry for the course in this file, the CIK will not recognize your course during the installation process.

  4. Using a valid XML editor, open the sp6content.xml file located in the root of the CIK. The courses in the sp6content.xml file are sorted in groups, separated by tags. You must create a new group for your custom course(s).

    Open sp6 xml file

  5. Locate the Skillsoft group tag (which should be on line 2) and create a new line underneath it. Place the following group entry on the new line:

    <GROUP ID="Custom_Content" ORDERINFO="00000" TITLE="My Custom Courses">

    <LO ID="zteh_01_a01_bsc_enus" ORDERINFO="00005" LANG="enUS" ASSETTYPE="_ss_cca" X508="0" TYPE="6" SPCSF="Content/cca/zteh_01_a01_bsc_enus/spcsf/zteh_01_a01_bsc_enus.xml"/>


    The ID attribute within the LO tag should be replaced to correspond with your custom course code.

    For details on Group and ID attributes, see Group and ID attributes.

  6. You are now ready to generate the AICC/SCORM data that your specific LMS requires using the CIK.

    Note: Ensure that the Skillsoft Course Player (SCP) is properly configured for communication with a third-party LMS.

    Documentation for the CIK process can be viewed using any of the following resources: