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Default User Privileges for Managers

The privileges below are listed in the order of pages as presented in Skillport Administrator.

Note: The privileges listed here are only those privileges available for this specific user role. For a full listing of all privileges in Skillport, see User Privileges for Company Admins.

By default, Managers do not have privileges for the Display or Configuration pages of Skillport Administrator. A Company Admin must assign the Display and Configuration custom user privileges to grant access to the pages, then specify which specific privileges he wishes to assign to the Manager.

Users & Groups Page

Managers can:

  • view and manage content assignments of the users and subgroups contained in her group. Content assignments include Catalog assignments, Learning Plan assignments, enrollments and waivers, and books assignments.


Privilege Description


Access to search and the following functionality:

Catalog Assignment tab

Access to the Catalog Assignment tab and the following functionality:

Learning Plan Assignment tab

Access to the Learning Plan Assignment tab and all functionality, including:

If Development Plans are enabled on your site, this privilege also grants access to the Development Plan Assignment tab all functionality, including:

Enrollments and Waivers tab

Access to the Enrollments and Waivers tab, and all functionality, including:

Books24x7 Assignment tab

Access to the Books24x7 Assignment tab, where you can entitle book collections to users and groups in your hierarchy.

Send Email

Send an email to a combination of individual users and group members through Skillport.

Content Page

Managers can:

  • assign only the content items that are entitled to her in the library


Privilege Description


Access to the Catalog, where you can view stock and custom content available to you.

Reports Page

Managers can:

  • run reports on the users and subgroups contained in her normal (organizational) group or advanced group, and on the assets that are entitled to her in the library


Privilege Description


Full access to all Skillsoft reporting features and functionality. See Reports for a complete listing of functionality.