
Browse the CATALOGUE

In the CATALOGUE, learning assets and learning programmes are logically organised into curricula by subject matter, where each curriculum is represented by a folder. You can browse the catalogue and find learning assets by traversing the hierarchy of curricula folders and subfolders.

SkillPort catalogue

As you browse the CATALOGUE, be aware of the following:

  • Due to the nature of their content, you cannot browse for SkillBriefs or Job Aids directly. You can find these by browsing for a course that includes them, or by searching for them directly using SEARCH&LEARN.
  • You cannot browse for books and videos available from Books 24x7 directly. You can find these by using SEARCH&LEARN or accessing Books 24x7 directly.

Tip: To quickly search for a specific learning asset, use SEARCH&LEARN instead.

To browse the CATALOGUE

  1. Click CATALOGUE on the shortcuts menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Navigate down into the catalogue structure to a curricula folder that contains learning assets of interest to you, and expand the folder.
  3. To view more information about an asset, move your mouse over the title, and click the Show Details link that appears.

    Show Details link on an asset

    (You can also view more information about an asset by clicking its title. In this case, a Back to Catalogue link is provided at the top of the page so you can easily return to your location in the catalogue.)

  4. From this point, you can perform many actions on the asset:
    • To add the asset to MY PLAN, click Icon for adding an asset to MY PLAN.
    • To open or start the asset, click the Launch link or Icon for asset launch.
    • To download the asset, click Icon for course download.
    • To open related content, such as a Job Aid or SkillBrief that is listed in the asset's details, click that item.

    The specific actions available to you can depend on the type of learning asset and the configuration of your site. For example, you might be able to download courses and SkillSims.

Last Updated: 8/1/2009 5:10:09 PM