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Recent Activity Page

The Recent Activity page displays the latest happenings within the inGenius Community. Each entry represents an event update for a particular user and shows the user’s profile image (if available), name, the activity, the title commented on, and a portion of the annotation. Activities include posting comments, new users when they join and create a profile, recommendations, and Following activities.

  • When you click a member’s name or profile picture you are brought to that user’s profile page. You can view the user’s available profile information and may choose to Follow that user.
  • When you click a Title link, you are brought to the title and location where the user made his annotation. You can then enter your own comment.

Filter the Recent Activity Page

You can filter the status updates by selecting one of the Show Me options:

  • All Activities (shown): Displays all community updates in the order of occurrence (most recent first).
  • My Activities: Displays only your activities.
  • Activities of Those Whom I Follow: Displays only the activities of people you Follow.

inGenius Recent Activity page

Last Updated: 1/3/2013 12:38:00 PM