Re-engagement Emails

Re-engagement emails are weekly emails sent to learners who have not accessed any content in 30 or more days, as a reminder to continue learning. The weekly email stops when the user signs back into Percipio, or when the user is inactive for 12 weeks, whichever comes first. Users can opt out of emails at any time.

These emails are a proven, effective way to drive learner engagement by reminding your learners about content and resources. Learners with an email address in their profile can receive a series of encouraging, personalized Re-engagement emails during the work week (Monday through Friday) when Re-engagement emails on the Engagement & Notifications > Email campaigns page is turned on.

These emails capture learners’ attention with personalized subject lines and learning recommendations based on their selected skill interests. The recommendations include all content types, including custom and linked content. When learners click on a link within the email, they are automatically logged into Percipio with the corresponding page or content item opened. The automatic login only works once per email per user and expires after 60 days. That means, if learners attempt a second click within the email, they are prompted to log in.

You can:

Note: To send a weekly email to those learners who have accessed content within the last 30 days, see Recommendation Emails.


This video is part of the Percipio Certification: Admin Essentials Journey located on your Percipio site. You can earn a badge by completing the journey in Percipio.