Getting Started Questions for Live Course (ILT)

If you are new to creating live courses, use the questions below to prepare. Then use the checklist to ensure you have everything you need to create your live course.

Question Reason
Do you have a title and description for your live course? Learners see the title and description of the live course when viewing it in Percipio. The words you use here also become keywords for searching. Use words that are meaningful to the learner. Title and description are required.

Course Title: Welcome to Akara - New Hire Orientation

Course Description: Joining the Akara team is an exciting time. We want to welcome you and provide all you need to get started in your new role. This training shows you the resources available, provides your system access information, and reviews key policies and procedures for being successful at Akara.

Note: To add an image to the description field, you must select the Insert/edit image icon and enter the Source URL where your image is hosted. If you attempt to drag and drop an image into the description box, it will not display properly.
Do you have an image that represents your live course? Learners see the image when browsing the library and in search results. Image is a required field. You can use a default image or your own custom image. An image is required.

JPEG, PNG, or GIF images should use a 16x9 aspect ratio (for example, 1920x1080px) and be sized no more than 300KB.

Have you identified where in the library learners find the live course? You must add your live course to a custom channel. Decide to use either an existing custom channel or a new one before you begin creating your live course. Create a new custom channel if necessary.
Do you need to create the live course in multiple languages? Language is set at the course level. If learners change their Percipio site language, they only see the live courses created in that language.

If you are offering the same course in multiple languages, you need to create one course for each language.

How long is the live course? The number of hours and minutes learners can expect to attend the class.
What is the source of the live course? Use the Content source field to identify who created the course, or where it originated from for example, a vendor, or a department within your organization. You can use this value to filter reports. This is required.

If you do not know what to specify, you can use the Organization name you defined in Settings.

Do you have any additional information or special instructions? You can specify additional information and any instructions for a course or one of its classes. You might consider adding instructions on what to bring to class, any prerequisites required, or if there is a cost associated with attending the class. These instructions appear to learners on the course landing page before registration and in confirmation emails.
Do you require someone to approve a learner's registration?

You can choose to have a learner's request for registration approved by a site administrator or manager before the learner is considered registered for the class.

If you require managers to approve registrations, ensure users have an Approval Manager assigned for each user.

Do you require special enrollment settings? Consider the following questions:
  • Can learners self-register? If so, how many days prior to the class start date do you close to new registrations?
  • If class capacity is reached, can learners join a waitlist?
  • Can learners cancel their own registration? If so, how many days prior to class start do you allow them to cancel?
  • Is there a minimum number of participants required to register to run the class?
  • What is the maximum number of participants who can join a class?

By default, Percipio uses the following settings for a live course:

  • Self registration: Learners are allowed to self-register until the class start date
  • Waitlisting: If class capacity is reached, learners can join a wait list
  • Cancelation: Learners cannot cancel their own registration
  • Capacity: No minimum enrollment capacity is set

You can change these defaults to meet your course or class needs.

If you allow learners to self-register, you can specify the number of days prior to the start of the class that it is closed to new registrations. This allows you time to prepare materials and resources ahead of the class starting.

If you allow learners to self-cancel from a registration, you can specify the number of days prior to the class start date that a learner can cancel their registration.

View all enrollment options.

Have you identified where learners meet to attend the live course? Your learners could meet in a physical location, online, or both.

Before creating a new live course, a best practice is to set up physical locations in Manage locations and instructors. Setting up locations allows you to select from a pre-populated list when creating the course, however, you may also add locations during the creation of a live course.

If you are offering the live course online, use a virtual meeting tool like Webex or Zoom to create an online meeting URL that you add to the class settings.

Have you identified who is teaching the live course? Each person teaching the course that should manage a roster for a specific class must have a Percipio user account with the privilege of instructor. Before creating a new live course, a best practice is to set up these people in your instructor list.

Use Manage locations and instructors to add instructors so you can select them from a pre-populated list when creating the course. You may also add instructors during the creation of a live course.

If you have instructors without Percipio user accounts, they cannot manage the roster or input completion data into Percipio for the class they teach.

Does your course have a special person to contact if learners have questions? A contact person can be different than the instructor. You can specify the name, email address, and phone number.
When does the course take place? Every live course must have at least one date and time that it meets. This is called a class.
  • If the live course has a lot of material to cover, one class may extend over multiple days.
  • You may want to offer multiple classes to accommodate all learners who want to participate.
  • Learners register for one class, which includes all dates configured for that class.

If you only know the initial date and time for the live course, you can always come back and add more classes. You can also add classes with a past date.


Because Akara has so many new hires coming in over the next two months, HR wants to run the same orientation two times: once in November for two half days and once in December for a full day.

Review the full example for additional details.

What is the maximum number of people who can attend a class? You may have restrictions on how many people can attend a class because of room size or materials available.

Now, you are ready to complete the checklist so you can create your live course.