Edit an Assignment

Site Admins can edit assignment meta data for all assignments including those they didn't create.

Learning Admins(and Managers with Assignment privileges) can only edit an assignment's meta data for assignments they created.

Note: You cannot edit an In Progress assignment's content items or change the option to require learners to restart a course from the beginning.
  1. From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Assignments. The Assignments page displays.
  2. Use the search to locate the assignment you wish to edit.
  3. Select actions menu icon, gray elipse > Edit.
  4. If you are editing a Scheduled assignment, click Yes when the following message displays:

    Editing an Assignment message that confirms that the Assignment will be set to draft. Has the buttons for yes, and cancel.

  5. You can modify the following:
    • assignment name
    • business objective
    • assignment type
    • assignment description
    • start date (for Draft or Scheduled assignments only)
    • end date or number of days
    • learners and audiences
    • customized text for email reminders
    Note: Start and end dates are in GMT.
  1. To remove content from a Draft or Scheduled assignment, in the Content section, locate the content you wish to remove and click delete icon, white x in a red ciricle. The content is removed immediately.
  2. Select Save assignment to save any changes made. You can then navigate back to the Assignment page.