Email Notifications Reports
The Email Notifications reports are used to verify if and when email notifications were sent to learners, administrators, and supervisors as expected. If your users indicate they are not receiving training status or training reminder emails, use the Email Notifications Reports as a first step in troubleshooting the issue.
Note: Data for email reports is maintained in Compliance for 6 months. Reports can be filtered for a shorter time period (e.g. sent in the past 7 days), but data older than 6 months is not included in report results.
Click the report title below to learn more about the following email notification reports:
- User Report, Email: The User Report, Email provides information about email notifications sent to individual users within the last 6 months.
- Group Report, Email: The Group Report, Email provides information about email notifications sent to multiple users within the last 6 months.
- Supervisor and Supervisor Level 2 Report, Email: The Supervisor and Supervisor Level 2, Email reports provide information about emails sent to learners' supervisors and level 2 supervisors.
- Administrator Report, Email: The Administrator Report, Email provides information about email notifications sent to administrators within the last 6 months.
- Invalid Email Report: The Invalid Email report provides a list of all emails that failed to send due to an invalid, or improperly formatted email within the last six months. You can resend emails generated in the last seven days.