Step 1 - Manage Users and Audiences
Users and audiences for your Compliance site are created in Percipio and available in Compliance Administrator after the user logs into the system, or after Percipio data syncs with Compliance.
Use Percipio to complete all of the following steps.
To manage your users and audiences
Create user attributes
User Attributes and their values provide additional descriptive information about your users such as location or job role. You can assign the attribute values to your users, and then organize users with the same values into unique audiences.
Additionally, user attributes can be used when filtering several admin functions such as:
- Reports
- Granting Equivalencies and Exemptions
- Assigning non-WBT completions
- Creating email notifications
- Delimiting security settings (by one attribute field)
Create a new user or bulk import new users
When your organization hires or acquires additional employees, you can create new users one at a time, or you can bulk import several users simultaneously.
Creating a new user individually is useful for adding a small group of users such as new hires.
Bulk importing new users is useful if you're organization is new to Compliance and you need to create accounts for all your users. Or, if your organization acquires another company you can add all the new employees to your Compliance site simultaneously.
To create new users by bulk import, see Bulk Import Users.
Assign the attributes to your users
Attributes are assigned to users on the users' profile pages. You assign the attribute, then select one value to associate to the user. You can assign multiple attributes to a user, but you can select only one value for each attribute.
See the Percipio Training Knowledge Base for more information about assigning specific types of attributes:
Create audiences
Audiences allow you to create learning plan assignments for multiple users simultaneously.
You create a new audience by selecting specific attribute values to associate with the audience. All users assigned that attribute value are included in the audience.
About Attributes and Audiences
Before you create your attributes and audiences, consider how you want to group your users in order to assign content to meet the needs of your entire organization. The following questions provide examples of how audiences are sometimes used.

For example, the Back Safety and Injury Prevention course has a version designed for US employees and a version designed for Canadian employees.
Create a Location attribute and add the values "United States" and "Canada" and then assign the attribute value to the respective employees.
You can then create an audience for "US Employees" and an audience for "Canadian Employees" and assign the correct version of the Back Safety and Injury Prevention course to the appropriate audience.

For example, your US locale has an HR department and a warehouse department. You may want to require all the US employees to take the Back Safety and Injury Prevention course. However, you decide the HR employees only need to take the course once, but the warehouse employees need to take the course every year.
Create a Department attribute and add the values "HR" and "Warehouse" and assign the attribute value to the respective employees. You can then create an audience for the Scottsdale HR employees, and one for the Scottsdale Warehouse employees. Assign the Back Safety and Injury Prevention course to the Scottsdale HR audience as a one time only course, and assign it to the Scottsdale Warehouse audience as a recurring course they are required to retake every 365 days .

For example, California requires managers and non-managers to take different Harassment Awareness courses that include state-specific regulations.
Create a State or Location attribute and add the value "California" and then assign the value to all your California employees. Create an Employee Type attribute and add the values "Manager" and "Non-manager" and then assign the correct value to your employees.
Now, create an audience for your California Managers and create a different audience for your California Non-managers.
In Compliance, assign the Harassment course for managers to the California Managers audience, and the Harassment course for non-managers to the California Non-managers audience.

For example, you may employ a group of developers from various locations around the world with diverse backgrounds, and you want to allow their manager, Emily to assign a course to them on Global Diversity.
Create a new Percipio User attribute and name it "Manager." For each user in the group, add the Manager attribute to their profile and use Emily's user ID for the value.
Create a new audience and name it "EmilysLearners." Add the Manager attribute and select Emily's user ID from the drop down. All users with Emily's userID in their Manager attribute are included in the audience.
Now, in Compliance, Emily can assign the Global Diversity course to her "EmilysLearners" audience and all her employees will receive the course assignment.