Create a New Audience
You can create two types of audiences:
For administrators of Percipio compliance, please note the following:
- Audiences are created in Percipio.
- Before you create your audiences, review About Attributes and Audiences.
Audience owners and administrators are not available in Percipio Compliance.
Create individual audiences
Only site admins can create individual audiences. To create an individual audience:
- From the Admin menu, select USERS > Audience Management.
- Select Create Audience. The Create Audience page displays where you can:
- Enter Audience details.
- Manage audience access which include audience administrators and audience owners.
- Define your audience which includes the users to be in the audience.
- Enter Content Associations which are custom channels explicitly for this audience.
- Select Create audience.
Create child audiences
Both site admins and learning admins who have the Manage child audiences as an administrator permission enabled and who are designated as audiences administrators can create child audiences. To create a child audience:
- From the Admin menu, select USERS > Audience Management.
- Locate the audience in the list under which you want the child audience to reside.
- From the Actions menu, select Create child audience. The Create Audience page displays where you can:
- Enter Audience details.
- Manage audience access which include audience administrators and audience owners.
- Define your audience which includes the users to be in the audience.
- Enter Content Associations which are custom channels explicitly for this audience.
- Select Create audience.
Specify audience information
When you create an individual or child audience, you must enter information about the audience including:
Field name | Description |
Audience details | This required field is the name of the audience. We recommend defining a naming convention so all site admins viewing the list of audiences understand the list. |
Manage audience access |
This is an optional field.
![]() Audience administrators can create and manage child audiences which are subsets of the main audience that they administer. They must be a learning admin with the Manage child audiences as an administrator permission enabled. They cannot change the characteristics of the audience they administer, only the child audiences they create. An audience administrator has all the privileges of an audience owner. ![]() An audience owner is a user with the role of Manager or Learning Admin assigned to one or more audiences. The Manager or Learning Admin can access analytics about how users in their audience engage with Percipio. Owners who are Learning Admins can also create, edit, and manage assignments for users in their audiences. When an owner is added to or removed from an audience, Percipio may send them an email notification. ![]()
Define your audience |
Define who is to be in your audience. If you are a site admin creating an individual audience, you can define your audience by specifying user attributes, adding individual users individually or in bulk, or a combination of both methods. If you are creating a child audience, you can only define an audience by specifying user attributes. ![]()
The following rules apply when composing an audience based on user attributes:
![]() Before selecting to Bulk add individual users, you must create a single column CSV file with the users' data. This file must be less than 10,000 users and no bigger 500 KB.
To bulk add users with your CSV file:
Content association |
Optionally, select the custom channels you want to associate with this audience. Associating a custom channel to an audience entitles the users within the audience to the content. If you remove a user from the audience, they lose access to the channel's content (if they do not have access to the specific content from any other audience associations). Adding users to the audience automatically entitles them to the content.
Note about assignments: If a user is removed from an associated audience and content within the custom channel is included in one or more of their assignments, the assignment remains on the Assignments page only if it is in an In Progress or Completed status, or if it contains content entitled to them via another audience association. Any content within the assignment that they are no longer entitled to displays as unavailable, and the assignment cannot be completed.
Important information about associating custom channels with an audience