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Editing Daily Email Options

You can edit your daily email options at any time.

To change the number of daily email messages

  1. On the Ask My Mentor page, click Change Daily Email Options.

    The Daily Email: Edit Active Schedule page displays:

    Daily Email: Edit Active Email Schedule window

  2. In the Email Messages per Day drop-down, select the number of messages you wish to receive per day.

    Note: When you change your email frequency, the Duration (in days) field changes to correspond to the new email frequency. For example, if the total number of email messages for your mentored course is 45, and you change your email frequency to 3, you will receive 3 email messages each day for 15 days.

  3. Click Save Changes.

To stop your daily email messages

  1. From the Ask My Mentor page, click Change Daily Email Options.

    The Daily Email: Edit Active Schedule page displays.

    Daily Email: Edit Active Email Schedule window

  2. Click Stop Daily Email Messages.

    The Daily Email: Schedule Stopped page displays with a message confirming the daily email cancellation. All outstanding certification-related daily email messages are cancelled.

    Daily Emails: Schedule Stopped window

To continue your daily email messages

If you stopped your certification-related daily email messages, you can opt to continue receiving them at any time, beginning with the next email that you would have received before you cancelled your daily email messages.

  1. From the Ask My Mentor page, click Change Daily Email Options.

    The Daily Email: Schedule Stopped page displays.

  2. Click the Continue Daily Email Messages radio button.
  3. Click Start Daily Email Messages.

To restart your daily email messages

If you stopped your certification-related daily email messages, you can opt to restart them at any time, beginning with the first email in the series.

  1. From the Ask My Mentor page, click Change Daily Email Options.

    The Daily Email: Schedule Stopped page displays.

  2. Click the Restart Daily Email Messages radio button.
  3. Click Start Daily Email Messages.