Access a Course in the App

Tap a content item to access the course player. You see the following:

  • Mini player: select this option to minimize the player so you can listen while you do other things on your phone.
  • Chromecast: select to project to another device via Chromecast
  • actions menu icon, gray elipse More actions: here you find options to adjust the player, including:
    • Captions: Turn on closed captions to read along with the audio. If you are playing an English course, you may read along in your local language if you see languages listed under closed captions. Select a language to read closed captions in that language. If you do not see languages, speak with your site admin to turn on localized closed captions.
    • Playback speed: Adjust how fast to listen to the audio.
  • play button, white triangle pointing to the right Play: select to play the video.
  • pause button, two white lines side by side Pause: select to pause the video.
  • rewind 10 seconds button, white backward arrow with the number ten Rewind: select to move the video back by 10 seconds.
  • playlist icon, three horizontal lines with a trianglePlaylist: select to add the item to one of your playlists.
  • Download: select to download this item to your mobile device for offline play.
  • Badges: if the course is badge eligible and your admin enables badges, you see this icon, which provides details about how to earn a badge.
  • Share: select to share this item with others in your company.
  • add to playlist button, blue outlined star Like: select this if you like the content.
  • The course Content screen which includes the individual videos included in the course and a Take Test link, if available.
  • The course Overview which includes your completion status, the course duration, the number of likes, the more actions menu, and a course description which may include a View More link.
  • The Resources screen which includes additional resources related to the course. Here you can find flashcards and transcripts.