New Features and Enhancements as of May 5, 2023
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

To increase the value for your learners, we made improvements to the following features:
- Role: To help learners easily find and set their role, they can now locate it directly from My profile instead of from Account Information. When a learner adds their role to Percipio, they see recommendations to learn skills associated with top performers in that role.
- Notes: On the Notes page, learners can now view the total number of notes they have taken across all the content items. This count updates dynamically if they select a tag filter.
Manage, promote, and measure learning
The items in this section provide the tools you need to manage users and content, promote learning, and measure learning effectiveness on your bottom line.

If you want to save time and keep your learners informed by setting up automatic email reminders for all your assignments, contact your Skillsoft account team to have this feature enabled. When you turn on reminders, learners automatically get regular emails, at a cadence you determine, reminding them to complete their assignment. The learner stops receiving reminder emails when they complete the assignment.
Site admins can define the schedule for default email reminders for all assignments at the organizational level, and then if needed, anyone with assignment privileges can modify the reminder schedule for individual assignments they create.
The organizational-level automatic email reminder schedule for assignments is off by default. If you choose to turn reminders on at the organization level, existing in-progress and new assignments automatically assume the organizational schedule. To make changes to the default reminder schedule for any existing assignment, from the Assignment page, locate the assignment, then from the more actions menu, select Manage schedule.
For more information about how the default email reminder schedule works and how to set it up, see Schedule default email reminders.

If you allow users to self-register for access to Percipio, you can now ask that they add their User ID as part of the registration process. As with other user attributes selected for self registration, you can make the User ID field required.
By default, User ID is not selected for self registration.

If you download a new copy of the Bulk User Import template or the User list from User Management, you see two new fields:
- jobTitle:Use this field to specify the user's job title. This is a string field.
- directManager: Use this field to specify a user's direct HR manager. This is a Percipio user field and you must populate it with a valid Percipio user ID or email address.
These fields are not yet on the Create User page.
Compliance, Ecosystems, and Integrations
The items in this section help you to integrate Percipio across your learning ecosystem and promote how Skillsoft works with its partners.

As of April 30, 2023, you may see that many labs retired. All retired labs have either been replaced one-for-one or have an equivalent lab made available. This update provides you the latest lab content and technology.