
Site Admins can create a new assignment for any audiences or learner in Percipio. Learning Admins (and Managers with Assignment privileges) can create assignments for audiences that they own or for the individual learners within their audiences. To create an assignment, you must:

  • define its context (business objective and days to complete it and whether items should be completed in order)
  • select audiences and/or learners for the assignment
  • choose what content the learner must finish by the completion date
  • decide if learners are required to restart any courses they may have already completed


This video is part of the Percipio Certification: Admin Essentials Journey located on your Percipio site. You can earn a badge by completing the journey in Percipio.


This video is part of the Percipio Certification: Admin Essentials Journey located on your Percipio site. You can earn a badge by completing the journey in Percipio.

Get started with assignments

To access assignments:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Assignments. The Assignments page displays.

  2. From the Assignment list page, you can get information to help you:

Manage assignments

The Assignments page displays a list of assignments created. From this page, you can:

  • Download the Assignment List: This generates a CSV file about your assignments.
  • Set default reminders: Configure how frequently Percipio sends email reminders to learners who receive assignments reminding them to complete the assignment.
  • Create a new assignment
  • Filter the assignment list by status. Each assignment status offers different actions. Possible actions include:
    • Copy: makes a copy of the assignment excluding any retired content and places it in a draft status for editing.
    • Edit: allows you to make changes to the assignment. If the assignment has a status of In Progress, you cannot change the content.
    • Delete: allows you to remove the assignment from the list. You can only delete draft assignments.
    • View a summary: allows you to view details and statistics about the assignment. From this page, you can also cancel the assignment for an individual user or audience.
    • Archive: allows you to close an assignment that has a specified end date.
    • Cancel for all: allows you to cancel the assignment for all users and audiences. You can also cancel for individual users from the Summary page.
    • Manage schedule: Override any default settings for how frequently Percipio sends email reminders to learners who receive assignments reminding them to complete the assignment.
    • Email: allows you to send a reminder email notification to all targeted learners and audiences.
  • Sort on each column. The columns are:
    • Name: The title of the assignment
    • Category: This is how you chose to categorize your assignment. Options include:
      • Certification: Use when the goal is to help learners earn a certification.
      • Compliance: Use when the goal is focused on compliance.
      • Cultural: Use when the goal is to promote or inform learners about company culture.
      • Leadership: Use when the goal is to advance and encourage growth for managers and leaders.
      • Onboarding: Use when the goal is to facilitate new employe training and orientation.
      • Upskilling: Use when the goal is to help learners acquire or advance a skill set.
      • Other: Use when none of the other available types apply.
    • Created by: The first and last name of the person who created the assignment.
    • Duration: The specified end date or the number of days to complete as defined within the assignment.
    • Users: The total number of active users who received the assignment. This list does not show inactive users. If you select the hyperlinked number, you see a list of each active individual who sees the assignment (whether they were added as an individual or through an audience), the date it is due for them, and their status.
    • Status: The status of the assignment.
    • Assignment UUID: A unique identifier for the assignment. This column only shows when you download the list.

Assignment status

Each assignment has a status.

  • Draft: The assignment is not launched.
    • You can edit, copy, and delete a Draft assignment.
  • Scheduled: The assignment has been scheduled to launch at a later date.
    • You can edit, copy, view a summary, and cancel.
    • To delete a Scheduled assignment, edit it and save the assignment. This puts it into a draft state, which you can then delete.
  • In Progress: The assignment is launched and it is available to learners.
    • You can copy and archive an In Progress assignment.
    • You cannot edit the contents of an In Progress assignment.
    • You can edit the assignment name, business objectives, description, due dates, and audiences.
    • You cannot delete an In Progress assignment.
    • You can cancel an In Progress assignment.
    • You can manage the schedule and adjust email reminder notifications.
  • Archived: The assignment has been archived in Percipio because it is no longer relevant.
    • You can copy an assignment that has a status of Archived.
    • You cannot edit or delete an Archived assignment.
    • Archived assignments still appear on Assignment reports and dashboards.
    • Learners cannot see archived assignments in their Assignment list.
  • Canceled: The assignment has been canceled because it was created in error.
    • Canceled assignments do not appear in Assignment reports or dashboards.
    • Learners can see canceled assignments on their Assignments page, but they cannot open them.
    • Learners can remove canceled assignments from their Assignment list.
    • You can copy and view canceled assignments.
    • You cannot edit canceled assignments.

Important information about assignments

  • Start and end dates are in GMT.
  • If a learner is assigned content they are not entitled to, they can see the content in their assignment list, but cannot access it. For more information about entitlements, see Licenses.
  • Once an assignment is launched, you cannot add or remove content from the assignment.
  • You cannot add channels or leadership practice guides to an assignment.
  • You can add a maximum of a 100 total content items to an assignment.
  • If you select the option, Require learners to complete all courses from the beginning, learners who previously completed a course, must take it again to complete the assignment.
  • Learners who complete a course the same day that an assignment is launched containing that course, will see that course completed within the assignment. If it is the only item within the assignment, the assignment is also completed. This is true whether or not you check the option, Require learners to complete all courses from the beginning. If the learner completes a course a day or more before receiving an assignment containing the course and the require learners to complete all courses from the beginning option is selected, they will have to star the course over to get completion credit for the course and assignment.
  • Assignments with the same due date are listed by when the assignment is launched, in ascending order, on a learner's assignments page and on the home page.
  • If one or more assets within a published assignment is retired, and the assignment has active content in it, the retired content no longer counts towards the assignment completion criteria. If the order is forced, the learner is automatically able to access the next item in the list after the retired content.
  • If all content within an assignment is retired, the admin must cancel or archive the assignment, otherwise learners who started the assignment see it listed as In Progress and can't complete it.
  • If you remove a learner from an audience that has an assignment and the learner has not completed the assignment, the assignment no longer displays for the learner in their assignment list and they no longer show in assignment reports.

    If you remove a learner from an audience that has an assignment and the learner has completed the assignment, the assignment remains in their assignment list and their completion remains in assignment reports.

  • If you remove a learner from an assigned audience, and then put the learner back into the audience, they inherit the assignment again with original due dates.
  • Managers and learning admins can view progress in Assignment reports for audiences they own, but they can only see assignments they create on the Assignment list page.
  • To replace retired content:
    1. Copy the current assignment.
    2. Edit the copy to include a replacement asset and assign the copy to learners.
    3. Archive the original assignment.

Assignment vs Learning programs

When you are trying to decide whether to use an assignment or learning program for your business objectives, there is much to consider. See a brief description and example of each and then study the diagram and table for details.

The following table provides a detailed view to help understand the differences:

Condition Assignment Learning programs
Records or tracks completion X X
Allows changes to content after publishing    
Allows reporting on learners who have not completed content X X
Allows targeted audience selection X X
Allows for learner self discovery (search or browse library)   X
Allows optional content X** X**
Prescribes content to learners X X
Allows a due date X X
Allows for no due date   X
Allows a different due date for different groups of users   X
Can require learners to take content in a particular order X X
Can require learners to restart a course they already took it in order to complete X  
Offers email notification reminders X X
Allows learners to earn a badge    
Allows learners to earn a completion certificate   X
Allows learners to rate it    
Allows learners to provide feedback via a survey   X

* You can add a custom journey to an assignment or learning program to force a due date and allow for tracking.

**If you add a custom journey that has optional content to an assignment or learning program, the learner does not have to complete the optional content to achieve a completion.