Live Course Best Practice Workflow

The following process shows the best practice work flow for creating and managing your live course:

  1. Ensure instructors have a Percipio user account with instructor privileges.
  2. Ensure a custom channel exists where you can place the live course. When you place a live course in a published channel, learners can find it.
  3. Add locations and classrooms to the list of locations.
  4. If you require managers to approve registrations, ensure users have an Approval Manager assigned for each user.
  5. Create the live course with all the details specified in the checklist.

    During this step, you specify if the live course runs more than once. For example, you could run the same New Hire Training every month — it is one live course with 12 classes. Every time the live course runs, that is called a class. A single class may run on only one day, but it could run across multiple days or weeks. For example, if the content in New Hire Orientation covers 6 hours, you might want to set up one class that runs one day from 9:00-4:00 (to include a lunch break) and another class that runs on two consecutive days for 3 hours each. When a learner registers for a class, they are committing to attending all dates and times setup for that class.

  6. Add the live course to a channel so learners can find it.
  7. Learners find and register for a class or administrators register learners.
  8. Instructors or admins can manage the registrations and waitlist using the roster.
  9. Instructors teach the class.
  10. Instructors or admins need to complete the class and provide scores so that learners see the completion in their Learning Activity.

Follow the process through a detailed example.