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OLSA Web Services

The OLSA Web Services API enables another system to interact with SkillPort using standards-based web services. By utilizing these services, you gain the ability to execute specific SkillPort functions without having to manually log in to SkillPort. These functions include, but are not limited to user registration and management, single sign-on, and course launch.

The flow chart below shows a possible OLSA implementation:


Web Services Used

  1. UM_GetUserDetails: Allows you to search for a user with a specific user name only, and does not support any additional data elements.
  2. UM_AddUserToGroup: Adds an existing user to an existing user group in the SkillPort environment. A user can be added to multiple groups.
  3. UM_EditUser: Edits various attributes of an existing user in the SkillPort environment. A user can only be moved to a single different group through this API.
  4. UM_CreateUser: Creates a new user in the SkillPort environment. You can only create a user in a single group through this API.
  5. SO_GetMultiActionSignOnURL: Allows users direct access into the SkillPort platform environment. This includes the ability to seamlessly log in and access the SkillPort Home, Catalog or My Plan pages, as well as a specified course summary screen.