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Creating a Schedule for Data Export Reports

Schedules are used to automatically run a report in the future. For Data Export reports, schedules can only be created for Personal templates, and each template can have only one schedule associated with it at a time. You can create a schedule to run once, or on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

When you save a a newly created or modified Personal template, you are prompted to create a Schedule for the report. Schedules are automatically stored on the Schedules tab where you can edit or delete them. You can also select a schedule and click Run Now in order to immediately see the report results. This feature is especially useful when creating Data Export Report Templates since they cannot be previewed.

When a schedule runs, the results are saved on the Report > Results tab in Skillport Administrator, and are available via SFTP from the UNC Export path. The filename for reports saved to the UNC location is based on the name of the Schedule you created. See Retrieving Report Results for more information.

Note: If you configured the Email option for the schedule, a link to the report is emailed to each recipient. However, the link does not include the path to the Export UNC location.

Creating a schedule for Data Export reports is similar to creating a schedule for standard reports, except for the following minor differences:

For more information about schedules, see the following topics in this Knowledge Base: