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Search the Catalog

To search the Catalog

  1. Click Content > Library on the navigation bar.

    The Library page displays.

  2. In the search fields at the top of the page, enter your search criteria, and click Search.

    Note: For detailed information on the search tool, including tips on creating search expressions, see Search for Assets and Folders.

    Both the folders and assets that match your specified criteria are displayed on the Search Results tab in the left pane, as shown below in an example search for the term "java".


  3. To filter the search results to show only a certain type of asset, click the corresponding category link at the top of the results.
  4. To view more search results for a given category, click View More (shown above) for that category. Depending on the number of items returned and how the search settings for your site are configured, there may be multiple pages of search results.
  5. To view more information about an asset, move your mouse over the asset title, and click Show Details.

    If you want to identify the location of the asset in the Catalog, click View in Catalog (shown below). This returns you to the Browse Catalog tab with the Catalog opened to the location of the asset (and with the asset selected so you can easily add it to a folder in the Edit Contents pane using drag-and-drop).

    Catalog Manager page showing Hide Details link for an asset in search results

    Note: Folders whose contents cannot be modified are shown with a locked icon (Catalog folder icon with gray lock to indicate contents cannot be modified).