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Edit a Folder's Properties

When editing folder properties, be aware of the following:

  • You can change a normal folder to a featured topic folder if the normal folder contains no subfolders. You can also change a featured topic folder to a normal folder.
  • A series folder must always be created from scratch. You cannot change a normal folder or a featured topic folder to a series folder, nor can you change a series folder to a normal folder or a featured topic folder.
  • A root folder can be changed to a browse view only if it contains no assets directly within it. All assets must be located in subfolders.
  • You can remove a folder's designation as a browse view only if it is not currently an active browse view in the Library.

To edit a folder's properties

  1. Click Content > Library on the navigation bar.

    The Library page displays.

  2. In the Edit Contents pane, navigate to the folder you want to edit.
  3. Move your mouse over the folder name and click Edit.
  4. Edit the folder's properties as desired.

    Depending on the selected folder type, the folder properties will differ. For folder property descriptions, see Create a Custom Folder and Create a Root Folder.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Exit.

    Note: The Library is not updated with your changes until you exit the Library page.