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Remove a Series

You can remove a series, which deletes the folder and all of its contents, from the Library. The individual assets, if copied from a stock folder, still exist in the Library.

To remove a custom series

  1. Click Content > Library.

    The Library Manager displays.

  2. In the Browse Catalog pane, browse to or search for the series that you want to remove.
  3. At the top level Catalog folder, select Edit Contents.
  4. In the Edit Contents pane, select the series folder and click Remove.

    A warning messages displays that you are about to permanently remove the series folder and all of its contents.

  5. Click OK.
  6. The series folder is removed.

Notes: Removing a series is an unrecoverable action; you cannot undo it. The content may still be discoverable via search or browse if the asset(s) were contained in a different folder or hierarchy in the Library.