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Signing in to the App

You must first sign in to the Skillsoft Learning App in order to access content.

To Sign in to the App

  1. From the app launch page, tap Sign In.
  2. Enter your Skillport Name in the field and tap Next. This is the name of your Skilllport site.

    Note: You only need to enter the site name, not a complete URL. For example, if your site is called, you only need to type akara.

    If you received an email notification to install and configure the app, the Skillport name is provided with the configuration link.

  3. When prompted, enter your Skillport username and password and then tap Sign In.

    Note: Skillport sites with Single Sign-On (SSO) configured may have a slightly different login experience.

If you do not know your username and/or password, you can retrieve them from the main Skillport sign in page. Tap Forgot Password?, then select the Forgot your User ID or Forgot your Password link.

To Try the App

If you do not have a Skillport login, you can get an idea of how the app works by tapping Try the App. You can experiment with the different features of the learning app by accessing a limited selection of content.

Sign in screen