Update Java-dependent Courses to Play in Java-free Mode
In order for Java-dependent courses to run in Java-free mode on tablets or on the desktop, you must add a new set of audio and video files that are in a Java-free file format. For audio files and video files, the accepted format is .mp4.
Note: If your IT department prohibits the use of Flash, you must remove any Flash files from the course. If there are no restrictions for using Flash, the optimal solution is to include both the Flash version and the .mp4 version of the file in the course.
To update Java-dependent courses to play in Java-free mode
Open the Java-dependent course in SkillStudio.
On the Properties tab, do the following:
If selected, de-select the Tablet Ready check box.
Select the HTML5 check box.
If applicable, a prompt appears stating that there are templates in the course that are not supported by HTML5. Remove these templates.
Run an audit on the entire course. The course audit will identify where Java-independent media files are present, and will also identify where Java-free files need to be added. On the Video tab:
If you only have .flv selected, the course audit will indicate all missing and/or required files.
If you have both .flv and .mp4 selected, the course audit will indicate all missing .flv, .mp4 audio and .mp4 video files.
For any Java-reliant audio and video files found, add in a companion Java-free file in .mp4 format. For example, a new audio file, named t32_aud_0000.mp4, is the companion file to t32_aud_0000.we or t32_aud_0000_16b.spx. When the course is launched, Skillport detects the learner's browser and the environment. Learners in HTML5-compliant browsers hear the .mp4 file, and learners in non-HTML5-compliant browsers hear the .we or .spx file.
Note: To include .mp4 audio files in a course, you must manually copy the files into the appropriate course folder. See Add MP4 Audio Files to a Course for details.
Run the course audit again to ensure that all audio and video files have an associated .mp4 file.