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e2train Kallidus LMS

Non-default player properties for Skillsoft SCORM content

LMS-specific notes for Skillsoft SCORM content

SCORM Content Importation:

Course Launch:

LMS Status:

Course Mastery Scores default to zero:

Kallidus does not support SCORM cmi.objectives:

Cannot launch KNet SCORM12 content on Kallidus LMS:

Error when launching IT-e3 SCORM 12 content on e2train Kallidus:

  1. Before importing the content, edit the FindApi.js file.
  2. Replace: var theAPI = _2004APIAdaptor.get2004APIHandle();

    with: var theAPI = null;

    Note: This issue affects several other TPLMS also. An issue report is with Skillsoft Engineering.