When inGenius is enabled with your subscription, you will see additional inGenius-related icons.
Icon |
Description |
Comments - A comment allows you to reply to a note to create a threaded discussion. |
Follow - Following allows you to get updates on activities by members of the inGenius Community that you are interested in. |
Unfollow - If you are already following a member you find in a search, you can choose to Unfollow that person. |
inGenius "G" Score - Users will be awarded inGenius "Gs" based on their inGenius activity, up to a maximum of 5 G's. These are determined by a metric that determines a users activity and how valuable other community members find their activity. |
Notes - an observation, opinion, or other remark to information presented in a specific title. You can Add a Note at the title, chapter, page or paragraph level. |
Notifications - You can view notifications of inGenius activities that directly affect you from your Notification page. The notification icon appears in the upper right of the Books24x7 screen. |
RSS – This icon allows you to create an RSS feed. It appears in the Recent Activity and the Notification boxes. |
Refresh - This icon is used to force a refresh of the display of inGenius activity. This is most useful if you are having a "real time" discussion (for instance, while viewing a live event). |
Report Abuse – This icon appear after each Note or Comment. If you click on the icon you can flag the Note or Comment as potentially abusive. The Note or Comment will be removed from inGenius and the inGenius administrator will be notified. |