About Reports

Reports provide several views of operational data that help you analyze activity within Percipio. For any of the reports, you can either view the data online, download it to a CSV file that you can open with a business system such as Microsoft Excel, or create a scheduled report that you send to an external location for importing into other business systems.

You can also share reports with users who have Percipio user accounts and schedule reports to run on a regular basis.

Access reports

To access all reports:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Analytics.You see the All Analytics page.
  2. To see all available reports that you can run, switch to the All reports tab.

Report types

From the All reports tab, you see two types of reports.

  • Standard reports: These reports show up-to-the-minute data and only go back 24 months. Use these reports when you want to check active logins or completions. You cannot save a customized view of this report, but you can download and share it.
  • Skillsoft template reports: These reports contain all data and activity going back to your initial contract start date with Skillsoft. Because the data in these reports is stored in our data warehouse, you cannot get up-to-the-minute information. Use these reports for trending and year over year analysis. These are flexible reports that allow you to create and save a customized view for later, as well as download and share it.

Report list

The following list shows all available reports. Depending on your permissions, you may not see all of them. Reports are grouped by category.

Activity reports

  • Audience Summary: Shows every audience with its total number of users, active users and inactive users.
  • Bootcamp and Leadercamp: Shows metrics of each learner's bootcamp and leadercamp activity, including during and completion status.
  • Detailed Activity: Shows metrics on both content and learner activity for accesses, time learning, completions and more.
  • Executive: Gives a one-line summary of all learner activity including logins, content accesses, time learning, and badges earned.
  • Internal and External Activity: Gives a complete summary of each learner's activity including Skillsoft content, custom content, and external learning.
  • Learner Activity: Shows near real-time metrics on each learner's activity including time learning, completions and badges earned.
  • Skill Benchmark Learner Details: Shows metrics and each learner's Skill Benchmark Activity

User reports

  • Leaderboards: Gives a full ranking from highest to lowest of all learners in Percipio based on their total completions and badges earned.
  • User Listing: Shows all users in Percipio, both active and inactive. Reports on their learning hours, last login date and attributes.
  • User Summary: Shows all users in Percipio, both active and inactive and reports on their total accesses, goal streaks, and badges earned.

Content reports

  • All Content Listing: Gives details of all content on your site including groupings, type, language, and credits.
  • Content Access: Shows the amount of unique users, time learning, and badges earned for each content item on your site.
  • Content Evaluations: Shows the responses from the users who took the standard content evaluation survey.
  • Credentials: Reports on the users who earned one or more credits for completing NASBA CPE courses.
  • Retired Content: Shows all of the content on your site that has retired. Includes retirement dates and replacement content if it is available.

Assignment reports

  • Assignment Detail by User: Shows each individual learner's activity and progress on each content item within an assignment.
  • Assignment Summary: Gives a report of each assignment with its creation date, number of learners assigned to it, the percentage of learners that completed it, and status.
  • Assignment Summary by User: Gives a report of each assignment with its learner completion status, assigned date, total content items, and due date.
  • Compliance Assignment Summary by User: Shows a summary of compliance assignments made to your learners and the status of each. This report only contains information on required compliance assignments and not optional assignments.

Content promotion reports

  • Content Promotion Detail by User: Shows how each individual learner interacted with promoted content, including the content's last click access date and total clicks.
  • Content Promotion Summary: Gives a report of each promotion's start date, audiences, email metrics, total clicks, and click-thru rates.

Channel reports

  • Channel Detail by User: Shows each individual learner's activity on each content item within a channel.
  • Channel Summary: Shows each channel with its publish date, number of accesses, number of learners, and duration.
  • Channel Summary by User: Show each channel with its learner accesses, last content access date, duration, and completions.

Journey reports

  • Journey Detail by User: Shows each individual learner's activity and progress related to each content item within a journey.
  • Journey Summary: Gives a report of each journey with its number of learners, number of completions, duration, and source.
  • Journey Summary by User: Gives a report of each journey with learner completion status, start date, and duration.